Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 324, 16 November 1891 — Saperintendent Staples. [ARTICLE]

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Saperintendent Staples.

ThēBeamen 4 sī/andlordB.Protectivq i ABSociation, whieh haa beet\ in ex. istence for over thirty yesu*s, has gone to pieces. Tbe caus© of the disruption the fio-called Bailors, Home. Ever smce jSwaunack 4 6 time the "hoine" has heen a meraber of the association, biit amee the adveot of Superinteudajat Staples there hās been a great amonnt of gramblmg:i inembers bf the asßociation put it this morning. '\StaplesL wante*i to hog everything in sight and we Hirnplv wouUi not stand'it. ?> il The Sailors' Home has beeiv posing as a Cbristian inBtitution for years haek,'* said Thomas Murray of the Oolden Crat«j Sailors : this mormng, ' k but the fact of the matter is that it is wor.se t-han thp worst boarding-house on the water front. The superint<indant of tlie home pos«s as aj Ohristian ptylantrophisU while at the s;uuo tim« he has be&n & ruemi>er nf our ;(ssoeiation and taken more h!m>d out of the eomhine timn three of tis pnt together. 'i'he uianagenent are all u|v|o ho n\iny (ricks that h takes a eouple us all Ume watching them. Why fc Jt is onlv a monlh ago Littio Jolinny/ who ig Captain Stapies, nartner. wa? oaugbt Rhanfchamg tvvo men on board an American ahip/'i The men who have ioined thein are W. L. Thompson» Alekander 4ackson Ūeorge Webh, Jack Ashtcr| Harry Kewis» Hilly Sha'W t and OuHiu. If they do imt umke it tively for any saiK>r» tb»t get theīr then my nanie m>t. jtfurr?iv.

PC«fcs on. with the iiame vrhm h& comes to ship. The captain or owner of th@ sh4p- pay&„ over —shipping maBt6r 4 s $p; boat hire $1; blood money, $40, and advance, $40. Of this §um the home takes $70and $10 goes to the captain or soine one else.. Qut of. tbat $70 the saiior has been known tō"get f to, feut never r nj{jre. The remainder goes into the superm"tendent's fk)cket and pay for Jack's bosrd an<t a kit that is sold |at over 200 per oent advanee 6tv tawt. During Jthe present admistration of thts t home the assoeiātion shipped 435 sailors, and these Staples received the blooti monjey t'<>r '112. S. F. Beporirr.