Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 324, 16 November 1891 — HAWAII. [ARTICLE]
'11!— were suggested at the tin:.* i.. . . * death of His Majesty Kiii_ K:7akaua, at San Francisco. Hi-- -ieaih was a sad one —he wished to :■ iA\ his native home—'he Pardise ■.in : 'l > eaceful Oeean; but death carr>o upon him, and nis Spirittook /ii i'i i to a]more beautiful Paradise )jtond the skies. His Majestywras •• rcpp«!oted-by all Americans, :iiid.he l?epiy loved by those who were .sntimately acquainted wiih him — Xot 1) H-aii «e He was a King;— ! >ut—one oi Nature'.« Noble Me»i! .1. O. SULLIVAN. ' Asgele&, Cal. Sept. 26. 1891. 3»'*:. il Rcgio», laml ol «we<st !Nat,ure adorned thee in hounieouplionrs ; Queen of tho Oeean. Pride of the Bea, , Thy Home is El>>ian — * f,and of the Free ; ariaing'fmm tbe Sea loam, V< »u irom the Ooean a < ro<<dess unknwn. r!tk: u\\n to the WoiWl, :»ecluded by watere, f i ve<! vour brave .SonK and beautifnl T*anghtere; . A t last the WcorM Disco\*ered thy Home, Awl worflhiped thee liovely unknown; f n»y Shiiae ,em£janted the mort»ls ol Earti)rKnraptured they gazert on the Hotne of thy birth. >ature h»th t\m Ciocidess of eiime, nureed thee with eweete from Her Bosom euhiiia»; To yourB of aweet reet— Tbe Haven o! Beaiaty t %e "lalea of ; , r Tlk- God&«eek rep«»e in yonr Frftgrant Bo*rer©--Morfcris ol Eartl» «leep voar' F]owern. Auū vet with thih weuUh tha» N»ture hath given, Vūu weep bitter iear<, y«u jr:tv.e up u» Heaven— Yon weep for your «ouKalakaua you love. Whose Spirit hai? gone To Brigfat Realmf above, f-T, * «lied far away from Hi« dear native Shore- * ! lle ioiiged to euiliraee thee. vou no more! Hawaii, He> ,nubleand true— !fe- !oved thee with love beyond po\ver i ef view; j Hig *ou! wan imbue<l i With love i'or his raee, ! To led them aright I Cold death H«M enibra< e; i Lovt*d Hawaii gave up the «ky— | Your Son Kialakiiu&Hmllp* fr<jm on high l | Sv\'eet- Hawaii «-nnle iu»w oi' yorrt — : Queen Liliuokalani rei£ns o'er you shore, \ She'll »«ooth<» Tl>ef wiih love, She*ll injr-e tlm i with « ai-e— J The good Shij» ol' Btate j She'H g"ide willioui fear ; ' Slie'l! «trfUid by the lielm jea«T i uiay ī ull hijrb, ] Au.; her j«roud bark ';<> >ale Uare?j or die. " ! Aaieu Ilawaii, uiay youi i>o l>nght, j May no rlonds ob««onre thf»e *>om | holv liglil ; | Mav \ tmr <'hiljreu oo hapjjy | And iieaw» reigi* ?iuj)vettie ! <P<>r vour fair land of Beaaiy. 'Mūl (Hmn'p 2rrat *treiim i M.\y 1 Mila* Iwwn thee with Kng;[it<'ietos ! o*Thought-. i j»re<»to«iP than al' !>'»!,♦ ever bon£ht.