Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 323, 13 November 1891 — A Large and Enthuaiastic Meeting. The Hawaiian Rally at the Call of their Leaders. [ARTICLE]
A Large and Enthuaiastic Meeting.
The Hawaiian Rally at the Call of their Leaders.
Last evening, the Qld Armory was tma^'; to admit all the people, who hiid gathered together at ihe oail' of their lead?rs, Messrs Wilcox, ' Nawnhi, Eush, Kanealii, Pn.i and oth<*! s. The object of the meeting w as for the purpose of regularlv forming and electing. ofiicerp for the r Hawaiian Political org»izatK>v>. called the "Aoao Lahui Haw r Aberala." The meeting openeil 'i adresses from Messrs Bush, Wil Nawahi īt was said by ihe.se gent!emen, that some people, guiBed as friends, were v«'ring to enter the Hawaiian fold, th« politicai organization of the liaw; iīans, in order to split them, aitd thus secare atv opportunity to"carrv. <>ut their sclieming for pt - -- ••, A e, ds. Some of thesc men h;; i i)eeu in thc Legislature. and wcro. receiving' emp!ovmerit frotn ■ the governmev , nnd souie ha<l had iiieh- friends are them a vote to <I;t> their hands into the Hnwaiian Tr«?asnry.: Th«v had form\l a conibini\tion. ■■and had secured a printing oliiee, with whieh to run newspapery to oppone the people, and to gain seats f«>r themsolvcs in the !>egislature. an<l <lo as they did-bofbre. go back on their words, andjwork for thelr own interests. Oue of ttimr p!ans was to paBS a law to license opium t<> t ! !i:mselves. These people are wo:king V sell the Hawaiian3 ' again. eithc r o the Goverament or io the Reform Party. They are readv to do anything to make monev for themselves without any coneideration for the natives. To p- vunt this, and to keep the HaWa..;in Political organization from l> ing slaughtered and made to b *-ve the diry ends of a few of i ; renegades to decency and Li. aiitood, this organization isformed to-night. Wc arehereaB a eowor'cer with the Hni Kalaiaina, or -'any'other association that means 1 L> right, and iu case of a further in pt on the part of some of those . > are endeavoring to split us «n i reate disorder, tliis organigatii>ii nrotx>ses to Kt.and in the breach mud save the ilawaiian element froni utter route. It is time for us to reeognizc our rights aod privi> |pg?K and toc.Ken*ise theiu worthily. W'e often hAve said that we are treated to a < k erUia extent thie k fcroe. Brtt the reiBoi\ wo bemg tr*mt**l we olaim w«r nrc, is l«ecuuse we «re not hanest and ūrm in maiutainging our rights. Then let ue be united, let oor cause heone,—thegoodofftll, onder apura govcrnmeut, and |iKirmary run on' pofkular Tf we HawaifAnß voteii to*day sh men ? a« a unit you, who have fo> representativee forty«ine votes in the aid<rf ou? foreigii friecb3a, who bave eom? mot\ iolaresU with we aught to cjirr* U*#atectkjirs fhw
L6gislature. Aad wby n©l wo? l|hej c«antry bas been run for tbe lB8t! forty years in the interests of ihe i clāsses and at the ieost of the mwmore especiallv of the Hawaitans. It is tirae that we &&ul£ex@& ovitoelves aiid maintain our rights eqtially willi those who aie hjSCB with uA ai&eee that the eawate? is tud more honestly, and that it Jbas been v and is i Every ndtive should nse supejfe>r-! to īnake cpstoa: eauEe wilh our friends for a eous a&#|StfBfo»¥on of public feffairs. We ptwtbe wiae aiid at Jsh« tame time be harmless, for we have a bitter foe pftrowling around in $be gutee of greed, lust, selfishness, a|nd like a roaring lion is ready jp po&ilee upon and devour everythiog, ahd plaee a curse ypoix the future people of the country. . < • - 1 Tbe patriotic and raanly appeal. was high.ly #j4preeiated, as was shown by the readiness with whieh thej nativeJ£Hawaiians joined the association. This will we' hope prevent any further underhanded werk being attempted by tliose claiming to be of the Nationarlists Party. Ti|e organization numbers over a thousand enthusiastic members, ā»d more are anxious to join.