Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 322, 12 Nowemapa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
INBEPENDENCj£ of the countey PHINeiPLE OFGOVI&NMENTANI> CONSTm7TION. 1. We deeia tbat? ull Govemr&cnt ehould be founded oa the piineipke of Liberty, BqasOity and Fraterfiiiyi w hold tfaatall men andiiqufll hefore Ihe law aM w jpndjmed inaUeoahle vo'\ iWĒrfy; tō propertp, to the f ur»uit ol featfpinesB a&Cta «elf-protection ag&inet titmirzrv ēoneeßtratibri > of power, iwoMneihle weaUh.' afc*dv&bfair compeiition. We be» Heve that government exiss only hy the conseot of the Peopie, and that, Whea it beeomea necessary for the publie welfare, they may abolish esisting forms and establish more advantageouB and equi table system; and, aa the present Constitution of the Hawaiian Kmg;dom never has had the approval of the People, but was establisded bv iritimitlation and fraud for the benefit of a certain clasa,i therefore we favor the oi' a new and tnore liberal Con--Btitution, to trnly secmre a Government of the People, 6»/ the People and for the People. i JITDICIARY RFAmUIK
3. Our J iuliciarv system an(f €ode of Pro<'tHiure mupt be mibmitted to a iliorougli revision i so aa to seetire a eheap andprompt administration of justice l*ree of all sectarian or pafipan epirit, «nd to render the «T«dges more directly responsible to the People; and we are in favor of a more liberal interpretation of Constitutional gnarantees of the freedom i of E'piwh and the pres«. j TAXATfON i 4. A niore- just aml perr* i ct of Taxatioft m.ust be inaugiirated.* to abo. lish the presēnt inetiualitjes f by whieh the property of the poor ie excessive!y taxefU while mueh of the rieh man'a <?ood.s aro under-valued for or ēntirely escape tasation; we ehall j thnre?ore demand the papsage of laws that : will more eflSectuallv Bubject the, prQpeily oi corporatit ns ānd rich citizens .to their j«st proportion of puhlie butdens, >whiio <rrantitog jnore Ūbēra} exwrmtian9l» the pppr; and oF<&^gapigiQg / |tSe loeking. 4ip fo3i§j tial §hoiiJd ;belevied ip,-.-mkli£ioiV the *sgfessmene ou val uation. whicti s]io?il(i in |VropOrtiou tO th« fertility I of the eoil.. we shall also f;ivor th«> tabiißhmentof a graduated ineoaae*tasf % I an/d»thu6 espect tA obtain ample funds for'cj>ndueting the' governaient and atteh<!ing t€r all puhlu- iruprove* !,nMHfn < , withont anv f«rUier eall? on the I I X\omopolu;s v j YT« Sttrtll onr effortH nr ohlain lawa by whioh all favoritis/n in the 301 ennnent aud all nK>siep«>liee, trn?t6 and privileges to spgdal ctefi®es ehai! rendered kn\fK*sifcle, bv f«H. definite and mtod;ttorv statutes. 0. should n»guiat-ft tbe CivilSempe, mineiple.o* the e»*etion of oftkera of th* goverame*it bv the peop|e fchould be e&tablishfid. aad I» xoa& &xas\ā. be allo\ved to hokl oflfk"©olp*ōfit, wh<l«t w)arie» he adao«d|e for theearvioee re»ifer«id, AH axeesf4ve e»> larieaBhonid borftd*H*d and al! cur«B or superflttou« oll>ee« abol»hed. - PHmiWN TO HOMK IN11«JHTB1KK *- We are in §avor ol encoutaging all hoiae aßttcalture and mdususes> andair onr. nat3v* prodnets, like rice, cQfifee. wool, tobai*ei>, «houhl be prt»ected ami tos\eivflby pre>per t«ritt regaktton; and alao.it »fmt be the dnty o£ the Govnienf r in ita and other opera« tiot»B v tersiv* preferea<* to tmtinttal pa»d«ct<? <»ver imiKirtf>d oi\ea. r v PCRUO HRR*ANTSL — < • uV'AtSBIJF-fH>yi»>fSrKsS"J wiu\fo U» vbt&ruiit fata.*īris of ihe Kin^-
9. We ehall €3ado3Tße all ■m«a fffTrp tmiding to impiwe the condHlcm ef the wor^^ses,^ ont ifi3pmg anv vested rigfcts> fe.wfi| a#rocate laws fo pteven£ Sl %H*l«rjfnpōrtatk>ii or empJoymerefc *JErĪßflfttiMt» - ui.u. ui. w. iGa;^MaSSBm whicb wiU Mag it iixto a, rmmmH 4egra4iiig e Hawm iwor white~febor. W« aleo. m ; jftie mterest of the better oi the poor,. a{?fc Cor mdre libe?il of.fcnefe property froiii on executjon, aud frora eekure in banferaptey ; pibeeedmBB. - BMALL FA3erMTSG AND HOME 10. The weaithy !nMJtion of our p«p«l€r tioa liave hitherto preventedihe 'ment of aa in depei»dirait ēlā«s of ealWiia; the puhiie hat4khme heen acqoired and have heen tied np in a few hai2dg .or parceßed to snit favorites, and emaO tarmers and pianters have been drive» ont by eorporationg or eomMnaiione ef capitalißtB; bnt as f»n»iji£ ie eondueive tothe Btabilitv of the State, it ahoiiW pe foy a new asd more libera3 B<»aestead aet, by whA t*te ownerBhip of Bnwfil tj»ctB of land «nd the €6ttJeipeiit thereon of iamiiiee ly <>l the -;nqfthfe Haira»9Ssrvfco ' ly*ve Wn l«fft almoot homelee» in there eoim-try,-Bhould he reudered pb€BLble. IV> that ēnd, the" Govenimegfc mA Crow« lands, (in eo far ca*.sedone withoat invadin«: vestbār%hta > shoald bedevot~ ed as soon a« to h©i»eßteade. and conjterred apon bc»ia-£ide eettlersfree of taxes for & Kfiaited period. It fihou!d bethe further aim of'geve*»~ . ment to t at onee, eo far improve the ,mean« of traneportr tibn, —loeal, iiational and mternational,—as to provide, in all the districts, eheap means of eonveving the prodaet. of the eoil to market.
RLECTOEAL RIHGT. 11. Wq holil that uprigbt and hcmesfc manhood. and hot the r>oseesswn of weaHh, arbitrarily feed, sho«ld «onstithe rlght<to vote for nobl«8 as well as representatives, aiid no ntore power shohld be am>rdt?d to the ba!lot oI the rieh m%n ihan to the ball«t of the poor man. The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in oar Constitntioii to nll the <-ternai prineip]es of right aud justice, and mußt be abob"shed. To this eud, we -\yill favor a Wel» mg' of the present distinetion of wealih and classes" whieh blemiBh our with refipect of the right t6 vote for nobles, thoreby restoring to the native Hawailane privileges pert»in to in their owa whieli they Mave been de^iyei - - isTERNAr.I2 -Wa favor ol s«fti<#nt »otoifi to k :#ubiie improvements ©tbei • raŪii»cfe a&īl Wbom ami wharvee, public » thoro«gh syatem .ol immii» akiā not <mly fcrH«*ohil c n ) bnf throu«rh*outthe otli«r MamK