Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 322, 12 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the Mount Tantalus rncket wili keep i:ntilthe LegiBĪature meets. That eanditates are looming up with few exceptionß — all on the inake. That the new Barber shop lins arrived; we are too bashfol to Io;»k in:*where is the Lady. That Johimy B,- i»ay have kissed the Blarney St"bne. ]3ut tbe Plaster will iM>t i?tick. A , , r riiat Mr, Him(!Binftn gave a Hynopsi§ of the |>resērit system in whieh Hawaii i.s gb'vernet!: he was loudiy opp)auded. That «e«le<( will be n^eeived until Tuesday r>ext J at the Tn'tenor Office for huif<!ing a coti;tge :it the Government - ,V <T " That a meeting o r f the new. Hawailiui Poliiioal Party is to be he!d this? evenii*g n\ iH&'OM "Armorv Hall. In all ppobability tber<* wi)l be more than a bakers doie n there. That Messrs Kenv6n aud Hill, W advioed a Mr. ItSaws td ftt6rnp the ward to meet, and to ounate tbe latter who ib a poliiieal relative of these gent}ei»en. Tiiat l)r. Hammonii savs tbe prsi*eni systom of j<iving licenses all to oae man anv other ig A rotfeen way lo advaimiitrr the a{fairs of the gov* ervment. AU discretionaYy pnwer oAieiaU. ehoiiiU be alM>l)shed. ar»d wherc are hmited they ehould be jjut (»)> eompeUoiu Tiu> Dr. very large a«diettae. *

Tbat Br. view& he&m i&e Interi*atioiial Leftgoē» m tiio «piestiotu of&leetiiig government dscers and other mnt* t#rs pertaining to governm«?t. The doctor wae sosnd aad is an advanCed thinker on tempnral ftffairfi.

That during the search for soveigns on the yaebt Beagle a certain oScious eustoms offieial can*e acroes a lot of fishing lines and Mng of an inquisiiiye na4ure asked the Captain of the schooner he wantod tUe lmeß for, Ihe Uaftfein ret>lied he bought them fbr fisliīing, but got left. How's o? Baisthe ficious officiaL Well. yaid the piaia, I was fishirig for mokers 1 and only caught a crabbe /// ° 1 i