Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 321, 11 Nowemapa 1891 — THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


\ inoi»g the mnnv imDortant news r; received is that from Turkey. : ppenrB, that that govcrnment - Biui<lonlv awok-e to a seuse of h ": trf>aty obligatiqne, and has isor<lcrs to strengthen hor tbrtresses on both sidcs of the Bosi»hoi uk. in order to prevnnt nnv of Rues':i's war ve,-?sel8 from passing throngh. This couise was prompt*'<l bv thf inlimniion nmi cunning- ; Iy dHVifled plan o£ liie !lr«ssian (>ov- < r!unont to open Ihe \vnv t<»r tlve r»:insage of her tleet. by th<» attempt -u ohiam perniisHion for Uu' (i i.uhl (xeorge j n a wnr-s]iij» t.> i>nss through. and thus hat?e -i i.rtn etient fof -uV)S'v;uent whieh it \\-.\s would U« ulioweu hk au • f' : r, f cfmrio H y a ni ol ni)f Jr , ,f the ::;. faniiiy of Unssia. lsutHr>ris!i v " r<^vr**ill l»ee:i j> > f ' 'tt m ii{? iniluoiil;.-<* in T,irkfv as if i as a fcw (iavK ..^. •••-, Hawa i ik ī. 't'« thr wai lik»- movci)i g"i:sg 0!, in Uh wor]-i wo

aro m daily roccipt of. iafōrmalron ; of «liscoveries in ecientific knowl- j physic.il an*uaiural On the ; r- ul)ject of pliysical sciencc vve havc ■] I)r opinion on Leprosy Miorobes. The allegc-d d]Vcoverv is s-a id to be by an English physician residing at Simla. India, who (•laim.s to hav.e succeeded in diqeov-1 ering, separatmg and neutralwmg the special raicrobe of leprosv. The great bacteriologist ' said: —• "The news of the discovery of leprosy microbes is no surprise to me. In faet with the progress of science aud by following tbe lines already laid down, I have not the slightest j doubt that in time the microbes of all diseases whieli attack the hu* man body will be discovered ini cultivatetL How to exterminate them is quite another