Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 319, 9 November 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PKINOIPLE OF GOVKRNMENT A.NI) conbtitu?io:n. JL We deepa ,$ll GoYsrniaerit aho£l4 \s> iw><led m the of wē bo!d all meii ara bora. free anaanuAl fef&re tti« U»r imd aro <?adowed t wtfh ri|?ht« to lfte, fco liberty, to I>rtoertp. to tty»'pqnrait oi fcafys**s abd to. self*t>rotfectioji i»st arwtrary conceGtratioa of powm, irresponeil)le wealth, and unfftir competition. WeW lieve that juet govern&tenfc exjsts only by the consent of the People. and that, when it l>eeomef? nGcessary for the pnbIk* welfare, theV may nbolish exiPting forras and «ytablish more advantageous ■and cHiuitable Byj&tem; and, a? the" present Conetitutioh of the Hawaiian *Kingdoiu never has hlad the approval of the People., but tvafj establisded by inlimidation and fraijid for the benefit of a eertain rla>«, therefore, \ve favor tht adoption ol' a ne>v aml inore liheral OonHtitution, t«> trui|V .setiure a (rovernment o/ tbe P(M>ple, l>>/ the P<»ople and jor the Pe«»ple. j fxi>i:pi%NDi«:Nce: oi< t>ik i'ountry 2. Outofvonsi|deration for tbeinherent risriitvS and preset«ī opinionf ol' the native {X>pnlation,| %ve dērsire to retain tho indep<indenee ot; the Country «nd defeiul its autonoinv, uiniei- a hberal aud popalar form of }?overnnu>nt; but our Treaties \vith Foreijin Powerp, and eMpeeially with the iriyitied £lates of Anienea, should be reviHdd, >o to better meet prc«*nt and to «>}>tain n»oro t i quitableadvanta«eK in .■ }ininted by us. ■ ;HīId(;LU;Y KKFoKM» Our Judieiary >ystom und < u«le of | \ iim«t he subrpi<§fc«sd?so h thor- j i «omh iwU-ion, -•o.as to secnre aeheapi ; and uwaipl aduiinusUation of jiu3tu>e,free i ! «'* all >etlarkinjoi imri**n epirit,*l>rt toi render ihe J>njlvres mow aireetly rea-i j pons>bie to the l'<v>j)io; c andf we are in ! | hivor wi' a m«»ro |lit>eral itttert>reiation of! ! t , «>ns»titurional gMaranteeB «f the froe<jbm i ! oi siM?ecli and the pre&si • TAXATION \. A ut(»re ;uid r:»x:»tiou mr«s>t fc»e iua\iuui-&ted to &bo* liph the pre«sntj ine<]ncuitleB, by vrhkh llu' pm\K i t v <»f jthe jxtor ie ext>essively ta\* d, v\ hile luuoh of the riuh uiHn\s ; «wxlp iw* nude,r»\'aiueil for ! '»>" eiuirely esrape taxation; we shall i ih<uvtore deauind thf parea!to of laws | tliat will more tuall x> j»uhiei i the | prv>perty o* corj>oratū aiui neh eiti- « «ens to thetf jw?t projv>rtion of publiv l burdenc, \vhihj ar»ntiug n»oiv lilkmml I exemptions io j>oor: aiu] aa a 1 i oi diacouraginv j\he iot king <ip «»t laY|se i | trarta of uuouhiV»ted landsi, a dtfTer*YiI tj»l tax shonl«i Ih» levied iu atk)itioi« tn the UBual hu Kaio«tīou.whieh i slymM ui to tU\* tertilnv ot >hall hlk» fa\x>r ihe j t«lumhment a gradimūxi imv>me tax, l and tiuitf expevrjio ohiain fundß i« r vi»n.l:i« iius ?jl e vov<vrnw*i<t an»t «a-
meaU wit&oot imy hj?ii«c«in» enihe " ■£#: m6xofolies o. We E=hāJl eee our eSbrte to ol>iain laws by whieli all favorit!HTu In the g« .*- ernroent a»»l ail mon»polies, truetB and privil'eges to speda? da£seg sba3l be rendered impoaeieie, J>y hū\, deSnil4? and maru3atopv stat«te3. (5. Better laws showld reguiateYhe Ci- | vii Tbe principle of tjie tion of oflicers of *tlie goverament bv ihe people sh<rald be established, and no raan should be alloweā to hold more than oiie offiee ol profit, whilst salaries ehouM be adaquate cosopensation ior the sarvices rendered. All excepive salarieB should be reduced and Wk smecuree or snperfiuoris offieeß abdii«bed. PROTECn6I* T0 HoSIS--I>US9TEIKS 7. We are in favor of eneouragiiig āll home and indnstries, andali e»r native pr<xhict», ? like ric% ccfffee, wool, tobaceo, etc. ehottld be prot»cted a»d īost «red by pr&mr tariff reguMon; and «Oe» it m«stbetfafciltttyQ£ the Qt>vnien.t, m eontr»ets ai»i other operatione, to give to nati<mal prodncte over mm. FO»LIO»EI6VJ ! OTS. LOOAL SKLF-GOVERNMENT 8. We desire a more liberal policy towards the different Isl*.nds of the Kingdom 7 outeide of Oahu; they should receive a£airer proportion of the public moneys for the developmeßt of tlieir resources and the satfe£actirn of ttmir wants, In fact, the principle of loeal Self-government ?hould be extended, \vhereby giving localities may choose the most important of their loeal executive officers, and levy taxes for the j»urpose l eal imDrovementf of a r>ublic nature. PKOTE<'TION TOTHE LABOrRtN(i CLAS^ES i). We shall all tiiensi:re tendiug to improve the condirion of the workingclai?sep,and {'onsequmitry, oiit injuri2ig any ve.«ted rights. we wlll advocate la\vs to prevent ali further 3>nportation or. emplovment of contra<tlabor of »ny *kind, ti{X)n conditions whieh will bring it into a miiiem ami d«j£mding competition wilh iree Hawai ian or wlīite labor. We slutll also, m theinterest ofthe !)etter protectioa oi the pooi', ask ior more liberal cxeraptionM of their property from forr-ed sale on exeeuiion, aud #rom eeizure in bankrnptev proceediß«s. . SWAtL AHS> irOMF, 1 10. The wealthy fraetion ot wr populatioH have hitherto preventedthe «fevetopment. ol m independent elaea of dHis®ens; thepuWic lande liavf> been aml have heen tiēd up in a few hamla or nafcdLled to puit £avd(ites, awl soiaJl farmere and phtnterß have been driven ottt by corporations or cmnbixidtionB et' capitalists; bnt as small farming in eonduclve tothe stabilitv of the State, ir. should pe encourage<l bv a new aud more libcral Home«tead ai*t, hy whoh theow«ership of sma!l tracts of land and the settlement thereon oi n»miW«'s of our i>resent population,—aiid esiHvta!: )y oi' the native Huwaiians who haw been lelt almo!st J»omele&s in lhere»t>un-try.-s?hould be :-*ndered jM>ss.We. To that end, the Cv ernment and Crown landj? s (inso 1* foan bt* d«»iH'.w!thonv. invadinj» ves*ted " ts ) shouhl l>edev«>ted as soon as possi}>le to lioniesteads. and eonferred vjk>u hona-fide «»ttiers free i*f ta\es for a limite<l peruxl. lt sho«l<lT>tMhe furtheraimof government to, at ouee, so iar in»prove liie nieans oi tmnsport: tjonloeai, nation> al and intematiōnal, —to provide, i>i all the eheapmeanw o£:tronveying the prod«ct of the i*oil to market .