Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 319, 9 November 1891 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
:: oEO. B, Star'k. afc Y. i\ U.i'L eonimue bis readings •/. l'mrs Epistie to the liomttns. i • For the benefit of our friends, £►*•»'! with the view of enconraging t'n j-o who from the of intoxicants, we pubiish the fol)owing in regard to a r.uuntry an<l people» whom ©ome are ever bclding up as ©xamples of temperr,»eo —the Fretich:— " lt has been said with truth that, | <' 51 the dangers menancing our •vltural population at the pre- | h iy,the gravest atid most dif-ficu-it to fight against ie alcoholisna. N" o oue ean have been a resident of ;r < ountry district \vithout being » ; 'u*k with the (levelopnient of - i/i- i>urge durinff thc last tliirty y(W*. The habit of saving. ihat v so long, the st rc ngth iiiul the }i>rv f our of thc soil,is gra'l disappearing. Thf j»oncy of the liquor scller swallowB up, sou by sou, the wages that ionnerly, m the form of silver pi' <?es, were hidden awaj' in eome < oruer of the c l .othes-prcss, to bc bronght out when enough was aerumal»ted to buy a lHlle J«ece of jrroiind. The p»ace &nd harmony of f;>ajilies ia seriously imp»ired. In the vUlages ihe woiuen aie reduc<*d, 3ike the wives of workmen in the,towns, to haurit the doors of the drink sbop in order to rescue the bread of their childron from the nleoholie gu!f In raost of 6ur l iii!iiets the drutvlsar<i 5 who wasv the <\>tccption. has mu 1 tiplie<l bv ♦ o 1 1 ;.i^ion." —Fr. paj •• r