Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 318, 6 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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N(>mE. * I'ADIES wi*hing t)ieir feathers dyo<i o» clean«d aad eurltnl ean have it <lono by MKS \VEHTIIKHN. U):i Rereta?ua Str*et. LAi)IKS wi«hing to |»nrhV (heir ay»ojplexion a«d oradi»to t*n aml frevkit\s wi t ( he mstaetcd hvMRS. WKHTHKKN t>ee oi' oharg*\ BcretAnia Street tht* Armorv. :i!7—rf3m* Public Noti<^ Kuow ail mw bv tlus noiiee Ihai irv»m and aft*r thi« «lalo. i ha\e ihi< t!;»y ehatg»l Mr. 1L i\ rmkoa t a*an for n,r i!. a».v wii.itevei\ in lherh*rvv ;n«.I :uluui;'>; ;ur m oi' all nn- pmnom , uj;<l i<> <<•}«»«•» \>.i »>f a!U)ur> an*l rents u|H>n «i\v mi l aii niv m lh?* klny»loin. Anv one who hoUls or in )KVise>vion ot »ny p»\>|MM i v or who hss ;u>y jW-ltayiMftu>*> mako, «iU trAiiN»v tiv s#nje wi»h iuo |>»»>>oimU\\ ai m\ o' ;i , at Ihmolulu, «*nhu. K.AIMOI.ANI. j»er JiKv. Nawain. Honolulu Mov % :?, Iv^>t.