Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 318, 6 Nowemapa 1891 — ELECTORAL RIHGT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


11, Wo Uoltlj liial upi i,sU( Hiui tnanhood. an<l not tīte Dossei«suou wealih, arbitr»rily should ooustithe right to vote for nohle? as woll n>i representatives, and uo wore i*»wer sho«W N» to the ha!lot of th* rioli nnn tha|n to «ht» IkalkM of ihe |KK\r mau. Tii)p «liwrinimatu>n i n iavi* ot >veaHh how tna»le iu owr Ounsuuaū>n i«» eontran* to all the etarna) pnuoipK* of ri«jht an<t an»i mntit lv,iboUshXo tUis ekil» wiH tnvor a

• . ,11, .m II i puwwpiw^i Ā 'T "* ",nf : nrr.ritrf>' m4 wfeid! Umdeh fe ws nght fjo vote fer w&* bl©s, there% regtorjßg to the ps&fce Hawailana privileges ,wfakb pertain to tlj em in,their owa conatry, and ol wbieh they have hm «niustly <ieprived.