Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 318, 6 Nowemapa 1891 — How to get a Subscription. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

How to get a Subscription.

We are quick to take a hint and appreciate a good joke. We wer* non-piussed, however, in what wt took to be a joke on J .T.Waterhouse, at seaing the hame at the head of the loeal eolumn in Wednesday's issuē of the P. C. Advertiser, without word or phrase as to sts meaning, Dissecting the word Waterhouse, we ean readily understand its meaning viz:, a plaee to hold water iti, a water container. Butour surprise and doubt has dissolved since seeing the bigletters taking up a eolumn of epaee in the P.G.Advetiser, as »n advertisement. This to the advertiser is one wav of gettin? mto publie uotice, but to the medium of advertising, it implies a eheap left handed way of receivinga subscription% somewhat different to the maaner iu whieh a certain poor and innocent Hawaiian has been led to do to get subscriptions for kelp to his party. We are open to like favors as our cotemporary. and have published the same honored name in our "On Dit" eolumn, and wait with fear and exp-3ctation.