Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 317, 5 Nowemapa 1891 — A LETTER. [ARTICLE]
Honoiulu, >'ov. 4, ? !)1. Ilon. J. E. Hush Ln you paper of \*( sterday it is -*ta.ted't-hdt a miiifrster ;md a lady would giv(? money to the Tui Ka-, laiaina, provided 1 \vould dron the» nuiucs of M* k ??r8 Wilcox. Hnsh and Nawuhi froui th« Kiocutive <joualVroiit me to" aay thiit yoa arc incorrcctly informed. N.iMiit\tr of the kiud occintcd. Hy inKertinji ihi< inyi>ur m»x.t issm, v<»u wiil trrefitly ohli^e. Vonr Ohetliens Sf»rvaut J. .V. K.aiioose . Mr Knhoon<»i's v«rn .v.»r 1 :'«>i our »!:tVinii:t?iun f>r. whal )(«• i> | t'« vu.dv t\> df»liV, wnioh wn« Rtf>ted in the pro9«tice af v«thers*. Tt»vrv are othrrs! to wh<juj he told tho hit'vM-&oa-
\tfBjik- ako tlie jmmeso£ %£ $d »©fc W. $sg6sed to pti%liali. It is feāt ti*at the writer who writes tfe®' for Mr. Kaliaanei will learn taore of the g«ntteman after two or three more with * hiift