Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 317, 5 Nowemapa 1891 — Leprosy Cure. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Leprosy Cure.

About a year ago, Bishop j whose kind and sympathetic heart: forthe sufferer and the - affiicted, undertook to help the poor leprosv by offering to -test the effieacy qf the "Mattei" treatment.on that mala3y. It was understood, at thie time he tnade the request, that C. N. Spencer, Minister of Interio|r was in favor of the trial heine made under the intelligei3t arid kindiy treatmeDt of the. Bishop. _This offer was subsequently rofused by the Board of HeaUh, and the refusal covereā by the proposition, that any one desirous of making the. experiment eould go tp Molokai and do so. This refusal, was nothing raore tbjkjft what might be expeeted when ie run by one is opposed. from ,t&W iea i)F> d religious scru+ples,WD_any one trying to do what others bad failed in doing. The proposed tredtment is what is known as Electro-Homeopathys and is not exclusively Cbunt 'Mat-tei'B,-)>ut is the same as that prac* ticed by'Mons. Sauter of Geneva, and the remedies are no longer a secret. r Fhe Dioeesan Maganise of Hono* lulu, speakmg upon this subject, among other things says: In our 3ast paper we gave an epilome of some of the leadingpoints 6f this New Science of Healing, as given in the vaiuable treatise ot Mons. Bonqueval. But our readers will probabiy be rtiore interested if, in plaee of pursuing the ideas on whieh the system is based, we give them some information regarding its woiking and results.

" Now, first of all, Mr. Stead's article in the Jan«ary number of tho Remew of Rerwws has forced the attention of the Medical Faculty of London to the clairas of this system. The claims of Count Mattei that cancer is curable by these remedies without the use of the knife is now being fully and fairly tested A *'Mattei" ward for the treatement of cancer with these remedie* has been set apart in St. SaviourHospitaL Osnaburgh Btrcet, uuder the tupervision of a Committee consisting of Sir Moreli Mackeuzie, l)r. G. W. Potter, and Mr. Stead, and gincc April there have been paients under this treatenicnt.