Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 314, 2 Nowemapa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


PRINCFPLE OFIGOVERNMENT AND CONSTITUTIOS. 1. Wj? deem that ull (iovernment be founded on the prindples of JJberty, Equality and Fraterftfty; we hold that ail men are born free and r equal befor<i the law and are endowed with inalienable righte to lile, to libettv, to properfcp, to the| pursuit of hawplney« and to self-protection again£t arbitrary concentration of| power, irreapōnsible wealth. and unfair eompetition. We believe tnat just government exista only by the eonsent of the People. and that, when it beeomes neces»Bary for the publie welfare, they may aooliah eicisting forms and eetablish more advantageous and equitable Byelem; and, an the pres<*nt Oonßtitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom never has ha l the approval of the Peo|Āe, butwas establisded by inlimidation and fraud for the benefit of a certain class t therefoir, we tavor tho adoption of a new and more libefal C'onslitution, to truly wH'ure a Go\ornment of the Poople, htf the l\?ople aml for the People. ENDK PKN? <>F THK CW?STRY 2. Out of con«idora4ion £or the m herent tights and pre>eflt opinione of th» im* tive population,' wod*vrei™ to r»*tain the independenw of fehe <JountryiHad dgfend it«;iut6nomy,' under a liberal and populur form of £Overnnient; biitour Treatie>» w*ith Foreijrn Powors, esperv»lly wilii the Uuited Stated oi nkmild be revn**i3 >o to )»et«er meet present neev3tfiUes and to obtain more f\iuitable advanta£ iu e*channeot*ībose £ranted by u*. V BJ^X)KMiS Oiir Judio;ary >y«4oiu an.i Code of Prot i-dure uiust <auUiuiUed u> a ihorougli rcvision. m a eheap mi pr®mpt administmtfoa of7ustiet\fr<£ of ull seetonan tu- pati*an *<vi mider Uie Judgev< -uiw d>r«cth ta ,t|i* ana »r« Ui 6ivor ot a a>w* libar4 intei|i¥«i«iion ol Qoi*tHut«nMM th*

irj&h f4X431&1l ♦ fl| '■ ' imsjrop&&^ laaeai* «4 tfie ric& s«rs v gGods<aje un<sei>V3hied for «MeilBßW|tt or eirtirely eeeape tssattoQ; w* *&&' Bfoiari£ws2siī poroperty ofcorporati<ns &na sSk'sM-' - b«rdene, lirhile Jii|r& " esemptjODB to the pobr; ' ofdisco«ragiDg tb%locfcmg > up of l»Tge tracts of unciiitivated lands, a differen- - tiftl tax should be levied m a<ldsfcm to the Hsaal assesemeaf ©n vaiimtion,which ghottld be in proportion to tbe r jfertility of"thersoii. We ehaH'aleo favor th« esof a gradn£vted iiicoj]tte-fax, and thus expect to obtain ample funds for eonducting the government and attending all necessary public i®3provemente witbout any further cal)s on the iH^sse6- : ■:. '3IONOPOLĪE3 5. We ahall use.onr effiorts to obtaiu lawa hv whieh all ]n the g<wernment and all monepoliea, trusts and pri\4leges to apeeial classee shall be rendered itnposgihle, fulh de£nifce and mandatorv stattites. 6. Better laws shoald reguiate the CiSeryice : The,principle of the eiee,tioii of officers of the &ovornment. by tne people shonld he establishe4, and uo man should be allowed to hold .more than one office of profit, whiist salariee should be adaquate compensation for the sarvices rendered. All salaries should be reduced and all slnecurea or superfluous offiees abolished. PROTECTION TO HOME INDTj\STKIES 7. We are in £avor of encouragjung 'ail home agrieulture and mdustries 3 andal; our native products, like rice, coflfee, wool. tobacco, etc. should be prot«srteu and fostered by proper tariff regulation; and aleo it must be the duty of the Govment, in its cOntracts and other.' operatiohs, to give preference to national pr<>ductp over irnoorted Qses. PUBLIC SERVANTg. LOOAL SELF-G«VKRNMEIST *. We desire a i»ore liberal poliey towards the different Islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they shouW receive a fairer proportion of the puhiie moneys for the developmeni of their reso«rces and the satisfactirn crf th«ir wants. In fact. - febe prineiple of loeal Self-government ehouW be exteAded, whereby giving lofcalities māy choo»s the most important of their loeal executive oflftcers, aud, levy ta*os for the purpose loe&l improveinents of a public nature. PROTECTION TO THE LABOtTRIN'<; CLASSES 9. We shall endorse all tending to improve the condition of the working classes, and coQsecpently, without injuring anv vested rights. we wil! advocāte laws to prcvent all fūrther importation or employment ol i»iitractJabor of any lānd', upon conditīous whieh will bring it into a ruinmis and degrading competition with free Hawai i ian or white labor. We shall also, m l the interest of the better prot«ction oi I the poor, ask for more liberal exeraptionH i of their property irom forced eale on I ecution f and from seiznre in bahkntptcr proceedina:s. I.6MALL FARMIJSG ANI> HOMF. STJBADS. i # 10. The wealthy fraetion of our populaj tion have hitherto prevented thedevelopj ment. of an independont claes of citi«ecis; l the pnhlie lands have been acquired and | have been tied up in a few hands or I parcelled to suit favorites, and «nmll | farmers and planters have been drive:: I out by corporationy or combinations ; capitalists: but aa small farming is eonj dacive totlie stahllity df the State, it | should pe encouraged bv a -uew and I more liberal Homestoad by wheh l the ownenihip ol ??mall tn»ctē <& land j and the settiement Uiereon of familk& |of our preseut population,—and especia!i ;ly of the native Hawaiiane who have [been lelt almost homeiess in therecōun-trv.-tfh»uld be midered poi?sibie. To I thaf end, the Government ana Orowi> i lands, < -in so far as ean be done withmu i mvadtinj vekted right* ) should hectevotied af» wm m po*s!btp to jand ooni'erred upou bona*iide ' free <rf taxes fer a !iipited period. It bfrlbtt (arther aiui of go\wurtoflKit to» ai> oo£g, uo far improvH the } <* ikna»—ioual, n&k»w and ititwn«tK»»ai, —to provi<te, >n i».U the dUlric4ii, eheap weiu» «I cnnw\ - »nj{ the !>rodui't thts aoil to markot. -KLKCTORAL JUHGI\ 11. . Wo hoid that QnrigHtUkd hontst a»»b(ood, and not the aoaamioa of sbonld co*stithe risht to \-ote fbr noUea as weU a» a®d *h» nKwe pivw«r aboahl aceo*ied to the UUoiol the rieh nr»n thaa t» the haliol ol ih4 ppor man. The discrimiDatioii ia « weaith T#m made in oar OowtH«tlon is cx»trary to all the «uiiml priuciiiks> M Hfht mkl iuhiiwm b*abolW <hL To th*«nd, w* wtU fe?Qr * \im c*th%j*«Mt OkU&oUoa«f <*•«*> Wwukh m* Jm» right to rat» . i*»> tfeyni m th«S^wMßwiitrr, h*s* h«ia