Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 313, 30 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PHINOIPLE OF AND CONSTITOTION. 1. We deem ttiat aD Goverament shouki be fotiLoded 011 tbe prū»eiptes of liberfcy, Eqttality aaid Frat€»Taify; we hold that all men aee born fcee aHaequ4l heloi'e the law and are endowed wiUi iii3Jienable rijrhts to life, to liberty, to pr©pertp, to ihe parsiiit of and to t*elf-protectw)ii agsinbt mbitrf»rv concentrati6n of powes, irre?pon < *ibic wealth, and unfair competitbiu We believe that just goverament eslsts only by tlie congent of the People, ahd thxt, when it beeomes nēcessarv for the publie welfare, tHev may abolish exiBting: forms artd eetablish more adyantagefeus and equitable 6vstem; and, as ihe prieeent Ck>nstitutio?t of the Hawaiian Kingdom never has had the approval of the People, but was establifjded by intimi(fatk»n and fraud fe>r benefit of a certain class f therefore, we favor the adoption of a new and more liberai Oonatitution, te truly eecure a GGV«rnme®t o/the People, by the People and/or the People. INDEPEXDENCE 0F THKCOUNTEY 2. Out of consider: fion for theinhei?ent righta and present opiniona oi the native popnlatidn, we dersire to retain the indepen<kmce of the Countay and defe»d its autonomy, under a liberal asd popular form of government; butoūr Treaties with Foreign Powers, and especially with tb&« United States of Anaerica, sfeould be revised, so as to ketter meet present necessities and to obtain more equitable advantages in esdhaxtge of those «rant«dbyuß. • .TTTDICIABY BEPORMS 3. our Judiciary 6ysiera and Oode of Procednre must &e subcmUe(ltoft ihot* ough revision, so a» to see«re a eheap and pr«mpt administration of iBBtke t &ee of au sectari«n or patk»n apuii» aad to render the Judges more dtre«Āly res?ponsible to Uie People; ,and we are in favor ofa more !iberal interpre4ation ot Constitutk>nal guarantees of Uw fieedom of speech and the press. TAXATION 4. A moie jnst and pcrfect oi • Taxation mūstbe inau»iiated* lo abo» lißh the present inequalities > bv whkh the propērty of tbe poor iss extx*»ive3y I tased, wkile mueh of the lieh himiN Lgood6 are umler«valued lor aseeesj&ent ior eatirelyi eaeape taa»twa; we ahāil therefe>re deroaad ths poa£Bge of law* that will akore e&ctddiy sub*iet property el cwpora*fe®9 and Mi Re&sto their ioei pro»«rtioaa of whik whUe more Khm! «xemttto&B to the poor; &&4 a» a meaaa of&se**rag»ug th»keklßg »p of tr«6tf: fif oiKAtltivaled laads* % #iteraB« tial tax ehooW be kivied in ad<fitton feo > t)» «aal nwiMwan «honld be in pvoportion to the lartltity iof the Mii. We ehail ates £avor th*ei*- ; tabfishment oi a gr&dttated incbme4ax, | aml thi» expeet to ohtain lunple fn«id« \ for oondu«tics the govenußkCUi aad i teading t» all impruvf^ ! ta«nts: witbīout anj' further on the i l MONO)»OUKS r r>. \W *h*U um» <mr to «>btam ; hy whioh<ftlWavaritS!Bi io UK»gox « [ t»rom«ttt anOi ali no»ipel)#s «jh? pr£rtkct* InwMl impoHA)*, by IMU, MkiK > aad OMttd»t>vrv i*ta*wts^