Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 312, 29 October 1891 — England in Egypt. [ARTICLE]
England in Egypt.
It is well known tliat Franoo has for a )ong tiuie l>rought to hoar all the pr«ssure possiblo fto indoco Et>gland to evac\iate Ejryj)t, and & lat<? ltussia h:isaddcd'lhm* intluciicc; but Lord Sa!ishurv has sho\vn no dis|>osition to ahandon Kgvpt. and has Dlainl)' ( toldi llie Bultan tliat ihe qucption eannol be i-eoiKwn'H itv fche pivsent nspect of aflairs in the Eaat Briti fe li uccupation has b«vn a l>lrs» *in£ to Egypt. 'in 1883 insolvoik y was in:intih :»t: the .surphi,< ofruvemie ovi»r.:>*)wnws ISOn was XU00»0tK). wiiile Uie re««r vC tund ani<nmts ti>,Cl,v 15,00<) Whiie iVw iHrcv't taxcs i»a\i' h»-(Mi aholmhc«l, o*in£ chicHr to I.W oi ihv Krenoh, the o»ndit»oE 'g>f Ūit» fellahecn has grcatly iniprv>V('d Thcy no lv>ūger i»ubjcctcd to the
! slavery of ti\e aodvee. that system j v of forced, and unfed labor by whieh the irrigation works of ihe country were mainta}ned/ The use of the has been prohibited, aml wilh the lash haspassed away 'a whole svstem brutality and phvsical ir:'jimidation.' There has beeti - a : dlstīnet dirainution of auministrative corruption. A reform of the i«idicial STstem has beeo institutod in spite of the determined opsosition of manv Egyptians of the highest rank» whieh prpnaise3 to be £ar-reaching in its beneficial effects. England ' may well bē pmud of such a record, whieh not only score& great finaneial success, but exhibits a nohle process tv whieh rubber-overshoes are made. The raw material is of a spongy nature, about the color of molasses, and co> es from South America. After passing through ae crushing process, it is rol!ed out in large sheets resembling a cow s s hide. Then it is mixed with a vulcanjzmg compound, and cut fnto pieces suitable for parts of shoeß. Th.ese are fitted on lasts, and eemented instead of sewed into a shoe Tbe small«st rub»ber-shoe contains about four ounces pf pure rubber; and there are prqbably four pou"nds in apairofrubbe*-boots. The Para gum costs ninety-five cents a poand. The work is nea,rlv all done by hand. and a good man ean make tew pairs a day. The factories of America haye a capacity of over 150.000 pairs of boots and shoes a day.— Selected