Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 311, 28 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That Ka Leo's issueof yesterday I was exhausted. . j ~i. - ] That the political >' simDiering" | has begun to boiī. j That an '87 Platform is now in! order. The poiitical pot will soon | boil over. That this time last year, free rifles, ammunition. war-paint, &c-, were offered by a certain p!antation; Agent. That if our Political oppone nts thi*ik that they have captured the Mechanics let them understand that tliey have the rind only and not thejuiceof theorange. That a new Hawaiian political organization is to be started nnder the assistance, and leadersliip of Hons. Wilcox, Nawahi, and Bush, in the interest of the National Party. That oflicial leprosv has innooulated the Jap*ne,se, who are under goveranieHt euiploy, ia additioo the bsoefu) influence of our slave drivers who must h&M'e oheapm* labor. That the MardLal aud the Attoney Generalj the traQBpositiou) are oul j unketing, and studying th? strategifc poirits bf tho eountry, with tht' viow otl>efng prepured agaTf*st ūny iiivasion, anu to strongthen thi poaiUon to otir neutralitv in cof>e of a *ii Kui\>pe. 4 1

That our Biinister of Fordgn Af* tairs is a Meßq[ber, with a Deacoß of the R?orgonized Church of Latter day Baints» in tbe"Beef Trust. A mixture of Jew and Gentile in the monpply bqsiness. That it is a mistake to suppose that matches will not strike in the rain. The other evening a gay and j gallant youth offered the use of his | umbrella to a charmer after stepping off the tram-car. Love at first sight, a matcb is theoutcome. That l)aūL walked right in£o tbe den oflions, and upset a car load of tigers, as he beat a retreat, and nearly feM-down the Monowaia' 1 hole. The presence of mind of tne | little Major however. tamed the [ libns, cooled down the tigers, and saved Mttle Daniel. That one of the Ministers, on his way home on King Street\in passing by a castle latelv builakg and nearly completed, said to a giend, that the proper name of the plaee, should be the 4l ßoodle House." Those hearing the Minister, agreed in the appropriateness of the name. That an en|thusiatic and overflowing meeting of natives was held, at the Rooms of the International League i last evening, at th£ eall of some of | their ieaders r for the purpose of organizing a purely Hawwian Association. We wish the organization Godspeed, knowing before hand its motives and work will be to further the cause of freedom and juJtice. '