Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 311, 28 October 1891 — How it is Done. [ARTICLE]

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How it is Done.

Any one who knows how, ean get -icb, bnt it is not every one who jlbows how. Theway is easy enough, if you will only sear your eoneeienee with a hot-iron, affcer whieh any one of the processes practiced in Owhyhee, may be selected, and a fcwtune is assured. There are several ways to attain this: one is to join the church, and learn to •prry in secret, and ybur reward will e >iue openly; but never mind that the object is to attain the migbty <iollar. Some practiced the bor- : <> ving and lending of money; this : must be started from among the chosen ones, beginning with an alli mee with the church, not a poor one, but a rich one, one whieh i hns a larger sprinklingofthe maoi* itiocracy of the country. Onee > m are grafted into Ihe olive-tree, yuu naturally will b« n@urished from ths parent Cheap money is advanced you t© speculate on the gentile, without any limit of i oiiscience as to percentage. In sugar ulture, cas a means of accumulating and maltiplying riches numerous and ingenious|ways are practiced. One of the modus operandi is quite characteristic of plantation life: Satuhlay evenin£S the haodsare gathered aO the offlce. and with a flourish the Man;*ger eall out eaeh man by turn, who turns them over to the Bookkeeper. The Book-keeper, proceeds with Billy who is a teamster, and mys, "No money for yoiithis week. Your mo » tearo went to fast āoim ihehill. Next." ".Vh tiiere, .lini/' the Manager M youf teani went U. i Hiow Ko money for you thiß wA 8 " A ud su it goea on. fceep the matter among the or brotherbood in the

fold, Jthe proeesses have' bega alwaye kept in iht Bhftde. Tne Secretary. Mr W. O. Sm3rfche t and the Auetieneer, Mr. O. Morganus, who|sells the stock, is forbiddon under pain of being ostracised, not to divulge the two and three hundred pei cent dividends per annum realized as profits on the'stocks, that being private and only made known to Cousin John Thomas l but never to the uAcircumcised Mr. Ragged William. We close here, opening up a new chapter at some other time, ou the same sudject, whieh we will en* deavor to season with a Uttle. salt to give it savor.