Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 311, 28 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Freaks of Taxation. [ARTICLE]
Freaks of Taxation.
A certain property was valued at five thousand dollars, when a slic§ had to eome of to widen a street. After thiß was done, and the propertv reduced in size, with no speeial benfit added to it by the widei • of the etreetv at ■ present, the ta - c essor raised its value to six ■th* ud dollars. This was done in the pure administratioa of the past. We know of aninstance, the opposite of this. A merchant had a taken off froni his property en the same street, and was paid seven thousand dollars for it, and in other ways favored. Such is the mr?nner in whieh the governin nt is being administered, and will be until the honest-hearted i have weeded out the seifish and dishonest, whom it is easy enough fbr anyone discover. When this ii.doae, and an united efifort is put fbrwaid for a thorough cleansing of our government we then may see a change for the bctter.