Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 310, 27 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That wc aro more or icf:« dependent upon Sugar, tk Only" almoat the rights of working men and we are with you. Whea stsgar was at the top notch, —Ilawaiian laborcrs and othert were nneni out of their wages, :md Uickod and boaten in the tie!d. That the luna does % the dirty work,while the stockholder occu|4ied pew in a fashionable ohurch andVchocs— Amen. amen I
That the long and short of Creation left by thb'Monowai, la,st Sun day for the A nti podes.
That, geli ? s ICireirs will make a gran<i bit in Austra3ia. The Colonials like the American roiisins. when they eome sober.
That it is ]awfnl niee to be a father, if your daughters ean al) heeome Queed's.
11 ?at the Dukes, Marquises and dignitaries w*ll be represente«l at the Planters Annual Session, t. nd that| the password for admittance to its meetings will be — Let us prey !
That theNational Liberal League will meet at the usual ti me and plaee, Tuesday.
That the new Model Luneh Rooms has closed its doors for the fifth ' time this vear. Liver and heaeon all gone; fish no more.
That chefa and pakapio have eaeh found its admirers, so now the game like opium, ean go on unHawaii is a great eountry for expediency, though the means to accomplish it may be immoral and rotten.