Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 308, 23 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ITEMS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The new Rajah of Manipur is a boy five years of age. The entire German army has been supplied with a new rifle. The Russian Government has succeeded in floating a $24,000,000 loan. The New South Wales loan of $4. 500,000 has been successfully floated. Floods in France have been attended with serious loss of property and some loss of life. The report that a reconcilliation has been effected between Emperor William and Prince Bismarck proves to be untrue. A serious strike of 3,500 lumbermen is reported, from Canada. The militia have been ordered out to prevent disorder. Members of the royal family and nobility of Austria are among the 700,000 pilgrims who have visited Treves to join in adoration of the Holy <illegible> at that place. The <illegible> of South Africa are agitating a <illegible> again this time to Damaraland in West Africa A battle has taken place between Spanish troops and the rebellious natives of the Philippine Islands in which the former claims a decisive victory. Au exceptionally severe hailstorm occurred in Italy near Rome about the <illegible>. Some of the stones weighed as high as <illegible> ounces and many persons were killed by them, also cattle that were in the fields.