Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 307, 22 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That the Sotithern States with slaye labour and after the war with free Jabour ; owght to teaeh the sugar planW. whirh is the cheapest and most profitabie kind ol labour to hav-e in the eountrv. . ] -V -i ' That Hamakua Horner. is anti- i liquor, while other Horners &re not' so scrupulous. i Manv men ofmany ininds make up the wdtld. That a man'B wife and children is said to be k plea for excusing« a crime. That good wages is the only true j remedy, ior so!ving the Übor ques- ! tion, and the| lahorer is lofhishire. | That the wunt of honesty m | meeting tho in|«ntion of lUk>t | law has becn th|e cause ofa i&ihim tO ' obtain labor. I : ! '■