Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 306, 21 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
| Th n T. ]•> h;*s boon ncH|«itted ! h v a j::rv of his pem, on a oh»rg« j <;f lumnjr opiiiin iu his posseseion. | The tostv!u<iny nt>4 the aUdresses
of the lawyers in tWs case wmM be quite an ititerestHig stodiy. 4 Tfaat the peopie eropleyed by feh<> govemffifetit ar& feeiiag ns@oesr sity of tljeir way& especially the fishee. That opium is Kmg smce sūgar got sour. Oh ! $>r the morality and the preaehers and teaehers of moralitv. to whom is due the downfall of the one and the uprisuag of the other. i That Elder Hawe of the Re-or-ganised Chūrch bf Latter Day fSaints, accepts a chailenge to to meet the learned Dr. Hammond J |on Bible doctrines. We hope "the j gentlemen wlll meet and discuss these queslions in a friendly spirit with the Word of God as their standard. ' ' — That little Hawaii is to have a little lot to its . nse at the Wond ? s Fair, whieh liitle section we hope wiUbe weli manitain'ed and a good ! name given to Paradise of the Paeific. There is no question that full exhibits of our product anda report ofthe possibili{ies in store from the abundant riches of our soil, ifproperly made and laid out tō ; the eye of the j world, who will be : assembled there, will do our islands i I a vast amount 0f good. j | . It would be 1 well for Hawaii to j | embrace this offer, and not wait for | another generation, for the wicked- j ness of the world is so great. so mueh like the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorroh, that we do i not believe fhal} another opportunity I will ever againi appear.