Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 306, 21 October 1891 — THE COST OF ROYALTY. [ARTICLE]

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The «xpense of maintaining the head of a nation, varies according to tfee nature and circumstances m»ier whieh a people recognizes~ its duty and obligations towards its head. The chief of the EngHsh nation receives for herself and family about $5,000.000 annually. This is an example of the expense a nation pays for the luxury of royalty. The republic of the United States, pays to its Chief Executive $50,000 annually for the mainienanee of the dignitv of the nation, but it ie stated that there is a secret service fund of $3,000,000 froni whieh he mav draw to make up any deficits to his purse, whieh is usually done, without anv accounting for whatever is used from said amount. Under the existing order of things, ■every natiou has to have its head, —a ruier, some one to represent the dignity ■of the nation and as chief in the of the will of ! that naiion. For t.bat purpos£, a l ! fit-ting allowanee s.hould be mnele for the ■ iaf the head. rnler or ch»ef .exerutive of the peoplo. . This varits- 3ecording tu tlie eminenee of the establishment to be supp portcd. Tlie difFerenee e:\nnot be better illustrated than thnt between the English monarehy and the Hnwaii'-m. ~ The one is va.it an expensive and requires a great deaj to maintain it, The lesser monarchy is very mneh limited and consequently its maintenancc ealls fof iess means for the support of its rulers. In eaeh case. however, ""*tbe source of revenue should be a niain faetor in the ealculations of those whose duty it is | to apportion out this support. j In proportion to !ts.s?ze, its populalion. and revenue, the Hawaiian people. probably, pays as mueh for the sweet privilege of being ruled by a sovoreigh. The civil list of our Qneen needs cuting down ito ;suit the The revemies of, ! the Crown Lands > are &nd (the hext Legislature shoutd appoint j a Committee to take tbe subject in 5 hah l, and it, in ordor i . . that an intelHconf and just allow- | fii>ee ?fcould b > nnnle for the syp[pon of t:iui. oilioe of Chief Kxecui tivo. Or that the Orown Lands | shouM t".ri.ed over to the gpv- ' ernment and fixed aunn given in ; lieu of the rev<'nuedt»rived from it. aiul w!):it,n\'r < iorio ī t there may bc m th" oiv, shv)nld be mnde up bv :m !V from theTreasury,