Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 305, 20 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tbat the International Lo> ( gue wili hold their meeting this ing at the Robinson Hail cor:.< r ♦ f Nnuanu and King Streets, : , « That the ExccutiveConm)ittf ■ * the Hui Kalaiaina will n> ct morrow evening at Hail. That T. Evans! opium w « tried before the Si.vv> rv4ne Court t That the Mechanics T Union working hannoniousW, though noi in as full force as fonnerly.
Tbat parties are »egotiating thepurfliiase of theElele. . Tbat tlae ifl iacpbasing in the Portughesd re»identf«and aJso highly appreciated by tbe bosiness eomraunity as au iad vertisi ng medi um. That a nat ? ve was <lisch:irged yesterday froin the GovHrmmnt work on tbe !water fro!it, i>ec:«us« j he was suoposed to be our inforin ant in refereiide to that ''aea-WHil." and the amount of work being 'done. Poor irinoeent heathen, SMe.h is your iot, a scapegoat for ineompetent lunae.
That a h?£,eting of the Meehaniee Union last week, the future Hon. Member from B&lnafad was cailed upon to apeak on the questionoftbe qualification of voters; rising the gentleman started in bravely and stuck to the! subject for a, little while, but eoon he drifted on to the Constitutiou of Rhode Island, and woimd up with i.he freedom of the colored peoiiie of the South after the war. Thoughts crowded so thiek and fasti that the orator was obliged to stop. being unable to find utteranee fV>r want of enough words in the English language to eonvey the genas of fthought whieh were burdenenjr hisj active mind. - —