Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 305, 20 October 1891 — A Change of Front. [ARTICLE]

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A Change of Front.

Berun, Septembcr 19.—Finding t-he English Government ig eagerly <li.- noso(i to make its position in tho Dardauelies matter & weapon of oliense Ilussia has suddenly changed her diploniatic tactics. M. Ne!idoli, Rus<ian EmbaBBador at Constantinop!e, has inibrmally a'lv,lsed Sir William Whifre, Knglish Embassador to Turkey, that the iilleged oc( upation of Sigri on the :>:land of Mitviene by a Britieh ->rce does not in any way eoneem iinssia. And Count von Bchouvnl Rtis;sian Embas<adorat lierli.i. iias expiaiiied to Chancelior C:\privi that Ruasia disclaims i / prīveKg 4 in the pasi - l)« , .i\lan , 'iie>. • u. remaH;ably artiolo, w' : 'ii appe«rod in tiie Pt'torsil'u.; - Xoro?ti y< stv-rd.iv and whieh w-:s telegrapheJ hx-re through a

seuii-officiai agencj, oflFera the hand of friendship to Great Britain. "The Empire ot Kapia." tbe Nwo»t% "is. already too, ex£®nsiye for-her to desire to add te it 3|>y the conquest of India. Xf she iB forced to undertake that enterprise at eome future date it could only be as an act of retaliation for the hostility ahown by Great Britain to the Czar's Government in Europe. On the other hand should Great Britain renounce her anti-Russiaa policy she would have -nothing to fear from Russia as regards India." The NovoBti ,concludes by urging the Salisbury G6vernment to enter into a difinite agreement with Russia at the present moment f when it could be done under moro fatVOr' jble circumstances, perhaps,. than it€3uld at a later juncture, Tlie article has to the suspieion that the Czar's Government is about to attempt to effect a eompromi.se with England with the view of detuching her from the | l>reibund. The Uzar will go to Warsaw in Gctober, and thence to his chateau at Skirniwice, the scene, of the famous meeting of the three Emperors in 1884.