Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 305, 20 October 1891 — The Volcano Road. [ARTICLE]

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The Volcano Road.

* The sudden and unexpected de• parture ofHik Ex. Chas N. Spencei*, and Superintendent Macintosh, for Hilo, is indicative of very «?erions in f ' tentions on the part ofthe Minister of Interior of doirig souiething by-and-by for Hilo and perhaps the Yolca no Road. The oft repeated lectures from theindomitable Hilo Record. has had its effect upon the dormant energics of our good-na-tured and well-meaning minister. We are in great expectation of hearing from liilo news of our absent friends. It is to be sincerely hsped tr it Sir Charles and Mr, Mcīntosh, will be able to glve more than pro!uises to the Hilo people, who have overy right to expect the carrying <; :t of valuable improvements in tiiat distrkt, that will tend to facilitate travel and promote and deTelope agriculture, horticuiturejfruit cultur«-i, and other industries.