Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 305, 20 ʻOkakopa 1891 — A Treaty. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Treaty.

VV'> be.ir a treatv has been signod hy f.he Queen ajid that ihe Hyphenated Minister has gone to Washington, to complete the eompact. This treaty, if true, cannot ijeTT)āde in favōr of any other mterest, secretly, except ior the hfne<it of the sugar planters, and for «peeial advantages to America. We hope that this rumor is not true, but from the color uf the admir»!stfation anything may be exfrom the Cabinet, even to th< -ival of the cession of our indeu •lenee and the troup clause. It will be well. however, for the treaty makers to understand thai the Legislr cure has to have the finil voice in the matter, This is our u4y hope in this affair, and: p>o3»ibiy eheek the inordinate . Bsumption of power that do not he]one :hem. that the peopi .. .i thus be + br€warned and,when » p ilf d upun will show their eonot any usurpation of sovereign rights.