Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 303, 16 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


PKINeiI'LE or govek:\ t mext and C.X)X STITUTI(XN. ]. We <leem that all GovPirnment nhoui'l be iouruiU?d 011 th& principlcs oi Liberty, Equajlity a>ul Fraternity; we hold tbat all nien are born free and equal hefore the law! and are I?nd «\v : ed fl with iiialieuahle to life, to libertv, to propeitp, to v the ]' lit r nir • winiim 11 |iii ppi)i and to self-protection against arbitrar£ concentration iof power, irresponeiWa wealth, and unfair oompetition. We be lieve that just lgoverument only by tlie consent of the People. and that» when it beeomeB necessary for the pnblie \veKare, they may abolish formH an<l more advantageous and equitable ejrstera; and, ae the present Constitutielfi of the Hawaiian Kmg"dom never has had the approval of the People , b;;t w?4 e-tublisdcd by dation and fraud for the henefit of a certain olass, tibertifore we favor the adoption of a new and ioore liberal €onetitutiou, tfujy 6ecure a Government of tlie People, 6y. the People and /or fhe Peojii(?. | INI)KPENDENC£ OF THECOUNTRY 2. fortLc::iherc:vt rights and present opiniona of the native popnlation, we dersire to retain iae iudependenee o ' the Country and defend its autonon\y, iknder a liberal and iK>?>nlar form o£govetnnient; but our Treaiies wirh Foreign Powers, and esj>eciaUy with the United States of America, f!h()uld lx' so to feetter nieet ios inid to obt;:Ui morc e<]uitableadvaniAgep in oxchanjroo£tlK>.«e u> u.>. JUDrcURY REFORMS 3. Our ,i udiciury sy.-tem uud Code ol Pr<H*cdure must be Hnbmitt<Hi to a thotonj<[h revis*iou. >oiu> lo >wnrf a eheup anel nniinpl adn inistration of justi(»e ! free of all wH'tariau or pati:?aivmnrit. and to rendor tiie J udg«i niore aircctly reeponsib!e to ihe PetVple; and we ar© iu lavor i\f a moro liberal interpmtation of Constitutionai guarantees of the freedom of apeeeh and ihe preBB. I J*XATION 4. A mor? jwt and per!tect s>Btem ©( Taxation mnst !be inau«urated % toabo* lish the pwaenl ln«qcAlitieB, by wfcieh th«propeKy of the poor iB exc®3eively taxed, whiie mueh of the weh mī&'a i goods u»der-valned lor aaaeeame&l or entlre(y eueape U>catk»; we shall tfc«r«i&re <temand the of Uvs that will »oro efffct*aUy «iMeei the of corpor*tionīi a»d »cb,aitlMa to~their just proportion ot pnhlie Wdeo«, wliN «niitUDg «Mioaiio tbtprur;«M« anw» of the np «nElie IvMb of hmds, a diff*r<»i» «M&oa to w?s2ilateotavor

expeet io obtaasi ample io* c£fcductiiig the gov«mtiab@at and a£te all necessArv pal>!ic improvexhents withottt any fuxtber oalla oa tbe mafises. y, MONOPOI£ES - 4 5- We Aall use our efiorts to laws bv whieh »11 lavoritismHp the < go>'' ernment and aU trests and ft>rivilegee tq apeeial, da&ftr shali be ā£ndered imposi£bTe, by full, «d iasū3dat<»y statQtoß. \, MP. Better lawßsho«ild Uie <3- » Serviee. The prineipfe of ilie «eiee«hn of g&eere of Uie p»vemme3&tf'l»r Aepeople«hoaldl ifio i»»nß*is«H,fce aUowed t& hoM iao*e than <nie Gtsse ja&tties ehoidd , lor the sarvicefi rendeg@& 4l3|iexces«ive salariefi ahonlel be r€s®ftced an<T all «ineetires or eaperfiuous o&eee ābolished. ; PROTECHO®r TO HOME FS- f DUSTRIES 7. We are in favor of encohraging al! home agricqltigre and amll our native products, like riee', wool. tobaceo, etc. sjiould be profeeefeekl and fostered by propēr tariff r§gulatioii; and also it rotißt be the duty of the Ckxvment, in its contracts and other operatione, to give preference to national products owr inmerted ones. rtrfiuc SERVANTS. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMEKT 8. We desire a naore liberal poliev to~ warde the different Islands he l£ingdom, outeide of Oahu; thev should receive a fairer <Jt the puhlie moneye ior the development of their resonrces and Vhe patisiactirn of their wants. īn fact, tbe prinoiple of loeal Solf-governnierit plionid be extendwl whereby giving loealitie« may ehoose the most importniit of their loeal executive oflicers, and le\*\ r taxt»H for the purpo.se ' loeal iuiprcA T ements ofa puhlie nature. PROTECTIOIS T TOTHE LABOUKINU CLASSES 0. We sliall endorue all nieagure .tendin<; to i!iiprove ilu' eondition of tlie and vvithe«ft f»ijaring any ve?ted rigKfe, M*e wfil advr>eate laws to"prevent «11 further Importation or empl(»yHteut «f mntractiabor of anv kmd,» upon coßclitions whieh will bring it into a ruirieus and degra4ing cbmpetition \\ ith free» isn Qr sviūte lahor. We shall aleo, m the ? i better protettion oi the poor, asfe niore liberaLe3temptionij of their property !rom forced sale exec.ution, aud from seixure in bankruptcy proceedinffB. . BMALL FARMING AND HOME, 10. Tbe \veatthy fric()6h ol our peipuhi' tion have hitherto preven£es the dev<rfopment. of an independent ati«ens; the puhlie lands havtf beeo acquired and < have been tied up in a f<e\v hand£ or parcelled to snit favontea, and small tarrcers and plaater» have been driven out by corporations or coml»ftaUoiis «f -capitālistB; bnt aa smafl farming is oenducive tf| the Btability of the State, jit shouhl pe ehcourage<l bv a «ew tod more liberal Homestead act, by wheh theownerBhip of nmall tr»cts *of lud and the 88ttlement tliereon of iamllke of ou r prt i s«ent population,—amlc«peciali oi the native llawaīians have lieen left almr.st in thore eoun- - trv.-shonld be rendered po6B«bīe« To that en«l, the Goverwnent anvl C» ; own tand{», ( in po far a<« ean be done flrttfeont vested rights ) be de\*oteil soon as possibie to heuteiatead&: aud coni'ermi upv»u i>oua-iide &ettlers free of taxes for a limited period. * Tt ?<hou!d be the further aim ol go\*rnment to, at onee, so f»r imp£t\ve k 'the mean« of traneporti naik»n~ al and intemaUonal»~«b to iu i all ihe distri€t8 t eheap of 1 ii\jt theprodoct al the eoU to mMeU | . PXKCT<aUL BIUHT i 11. W» h«ld tha«.«j»i(U»ad Mmc manhood v and not the pwsoBsktt of ! nrbit»ri!y &ced, ahoiiki lor nohles asteSlu ttgae«tfLtatt*aß. /ad uo more po««r iw js%n than to UH <d %he ! SfS3^SSSffSfSjS£K tS Go<rir«(y fe»«2t Uift ih 4Jtri(ht a*d j«ttfc» •£#!&- ed, Totti«eiWLnre?Wmvnra M w«nith IM whkh ,Mt lm thty hsT»beeatß»j«stlT