Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 303, 16 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That a member of the Legislitute t tl?e.second estate» was put b as a tai]sman on the jury to try oiie of the chefa cases on appeal. Contrary to the Constitution we thihk. That Marshal Wilson is Bing to smell a and ,p£jjsbses* to trap the rats and plaee them oūt of harms way, or at least in a way not to harm him. That Ka Leo has been honored by General Thurston, (we presume opr fellow townsman by that name) in his reports of the affairs of the country, to newspaper \mters in T&berica, saying amongother thipgs tbat republican an<J annexation was fast find:ng favbr among the Hawaiian people, and was alao advocated by their leauing n€LWSpaper. Thank you. Ka Leo is very useful at ail times to both friends and to those who are not friendly to it. That tiow Pamell is*dead. it opens up a splendid ehanee for some of these red-beaded and loudmouthed Irish patriots. who love Ireland 50 weil, to piek up their traps and go home to play the tru§ patriot, instead of trying to make the u kanakas" Wive they are beloved bv w them. Poor bleeding Ireland, with all Hs patiotiSm oozing out herein mid-oeean. Bah 1