Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 303, 16 October 1891 — The Kahuna Prophesy. [ARTICLE]
The Kahuna Prophesy.
One of the survivors of ancient Hawaiian Priesihood was recently visited by a remarkable vision whieh is believed to foreshadow i events of moment to the nation. The prophet stood onavast plain an before him flitted tbe t shadows of the gods and heroes of the past. At last Kamehameha rose like a giant and his successors in order. Then eame a time when the people were divided into twojparts. One group was gathered around a woman in a scarlet robe and many brought her gifts and paid her homage. On the other side were only young men and one in their midst rode a mighty white horse. The two factions prepared for cpnflict. The woman in scarlet sat upon a black bull and led ber host. When they met in the middle of the pīain the woman and her followers were cut down bv the young men and their leader on the white borse and they were seen iio more, The rider of tbe horse approached thc plaee where the spectator stood, and when he eame near the prophet saw that ifi was liobert \Vilcox who eame quite near and saluted him and then the dreaia dissolved. The Kahuna says this means that the government will be overthrown and Hawaii annexed to the United States.