Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 303, 16 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Mr. H. A. P. Carter. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mr. H. A. P. Carter.

The cx-Minifiter Resident, Mr. €arter. bas reached Bai) Francisco an invaiid. We eunniee, that our a,ble and wily djplornat finds the elimnie and rest of tne Paradise of tho L 'acific necessary to his recepeiation, if stich a thing is possib]e,! But we are afaird that the extreme exertion and strain put upon Mr. abroad has been too m ueh for liis overtaxed systera. The effort that has cost him in his endeavors to away the free action of this goverment through the <kbayonet claiise" īn a certain treaty has probabl7 contributed somewhat towards liis present feeble health. How the mighty nien of all nations are breaking up aiul dying ofF.