Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 302, 15 October 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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PKINOIPLE OF (K>VEK NIVIENT ANI) CONSTITŪTIO:S\ 1. We deem tbat aU Government shou!d bg fotmded on the principles of Liberty, Eq«ality and Frater^ity; we hold that all men are born free andequal before ihe law and are endowed with inalienahle nghts to iife, to liberty, to propertp, to the pursuit of happiness and to self-protfeetion against ;arbitrary concentration of power, irresponsible wealth,. and unfair competition. We believe thatjust goverament exist« only by the eonsent of the People, and that, when it beeomes necessary lor the publie welfare, they may abolish esisting forms and estabiish more advantageous and equitable system; and, ae the present Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom never has had the approval of the People, but was establisded by intimidation and fraud lor the benefit of a certain class v ther«fore. we favor the adoption of a new and more liberal Constitution, to trulv seeure a Grovernment of the People, hy the People and for the People. * INDEPEXDENC£ 0F THECOUNTRY 2. Out of consideration for the inherent rights and present opinions of the native popnlation, we dersire to retain the iudependencre of the Co«ntry and defend its antonomy, under a liberal and popular form ofJgovernment; butour Treatief? willi Foreign Po\vers, and espeeially with the *United States of America, should be revised. so at? to teetter jneet present neeeesities and to obtain more equitable advi\ntages in exchangeoftliose granted by ua. JUDICIAKY REh)KMS 8. Our Judiciary system and Code of Procediire niust be siibmii£ed to a thorouglt revision, so as to secure a eheap and pr©mpt administration.iCtf jnstice } free of all seetarian or patisan. spirit» vud tb render t.he J ndges more directlv responsible to tlie People; and we are in favor-pf a inore liberal interpretation of Constitutional guaranteee of the treedom ot speech and oi' tlie press. TAXATION 4. A more just and p rt rfe'ct' systera ol Taxation must be inangurated f * to abo* lish the present iiiequali^ies } by whieli the propertv of tbe poor is exees&ive]y taxed, while muc]i of the rich man's goods are for assefkinent or entirely escape taxation; we shali therefore "demand the passage of iaws that wdl more eiTectoaily subject the propertv oi corporaticns and rich citizens to their just proportaon of public burdeus, while granting more liberat exemptions to the poor ;. and &s a means of discouraging the lo<-king up of large tracts of uncnltivated lands, a differe*tial tax should be levied in addition to the usnal assessmenl en valuation whieh s!iould be in pro|x>rtion to the fertility of the soiL We shall alao favor th« 08» tabiishment of a &raduattnl inoome»tax T and thus expect to obtaiu ample fimde ior conducting Uie government and atteuuing W all nece&ssry puhlie imprttve* ments without any further ealla on tho masses. MONOPOLIEB 5. WeshaU jnseonr efforts to oblam laws by whieh all favoritism in the gOv« ernmeht and" £11 :sxm»pol}es, and privilege«s to special dasses shall be renilered impoaeihie, by fnll, and mandatory PUBUC SJBRVA2TrS, 6« Better laws shouki reguUteo the vil $ervk*, The pHneipk» o$ the eketion of oflieen oi the wiwwawii Uiopeople ahouM be «stam«BMl, aad ao man sho*ild be allow«d to «bw6 than ooe office of profit, whilat aahunee should be adaqoate oo»p«tksaUe« for th«Barvk«B rewfered. All exeeesave salariee slionld be redoced and all «m* euw or snperf!uous aboliahed. PROTKCTION TO HOME INDI*!?TI*IKS T. We «re in fawr <*i enconrasring all home and andali our tmtivfc like rice, co£fee, tohatxN>* etc. siH)uld lie pmtected and f<ostered hv nroper tarift' ragulaiiefi; ami als6 li u* īi*e duty ol luenl. in it# «x»*\tr«cts and oitar <.>pe*ra* tions. to givv %o natkmal p*» ilml» mrt iii»uintwl owwk — -