Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 302, 15 ʻOkakopa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Hi.s Sueculency," the Honorable GuAV|A Jelly Thūrston returned by the Australia last Tuesday. We! note, with ecstacy, that the gods of preserves and politics have presemed his sueculeney to be the Baroniftl Moses, in the leading of the■.■*lcjst tribe' ; of niissionary plaTiters, out of the desert of despair, aud |nto , #
That the Advertiser continuos to tickle thel political pnlates of its rnissionary constituenrs, by an insidious cainpaign in favor- of our annexatior; to the CJnited States* To tfcis en 1 it carefully reprints all the comments of Americau papers whieh t?veri remotely favor such a course. But the y Tiser, as evef, is quite too c|;)wardiy to avow its real object and!sentiments. This eowardico all we complain.of, in tlu? matter. !
That an Hiberiiian shipowncr and capitaiist has ha<l the eheok to offer to pnrchase the Eiele Ēstahlishraent £or the beloved hanaka and in the interest of the Hui Kalaiaina, on condition that he would lSe elected a peer of the roalni, and a mortgage of the raee and Hui be sriven to him as a pledge of good faith and security for his money. But the l:aruikas having had the hair taken oft theīr teeth, through their expe rience with just such jed mouth shystere, do not propose to be gulled any more in the future by anv such friend and patriot.
That that who disclaims all knowledge of the Queea's health, also gavo good re&sons for a laek of that knowledge, but that doos not disprove the faot th&t the Qucen hae a cbroQi€ aiiment whieh hemlP ia known to havesaid is liahle to a BUdden and fatal tern>ination. Tlms the infbrmation given in tho S. F. papers is in no sense disproved, and espccially when the lady, as tlie " kahana'* ētatee has to take horsebaok exeivise, at past the merid: an of life» That sodu» of the Poliw after all a<?eording to %v Ra{efooUxl" Hill'a tostimony, was in with him, lwr a ī» hl» f»Mv
9 That it is tmprofessīOfml a 4t kahuna " fco tel! the truth. when deemed inespedieot not to. As asi illustration of this fact. gi?e the incident of a certain physician» ing it *'professional etiquette." to s«ppress the facts in' regard to a certain āffair, in whieh the "kahuna" acted professionally, aboat tbe first week of May, 1883,. the truth of whieh lately appeared in the London Times.