Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 302, 15 October 1891 — From Abroad. [ARTICLE]
From Abroad.
: ; uspirant to the Abysinnian tiin,*ie was met by the government forces, and at the end ef a severe encoanter, was killed and his adherents routed. A better underK-inding seem to havt been created l>etween Franee and Italy due to a iraternal feeling on -f-b« occasion of the imveiling ;sratue of ,tbe Ttalian Patriot *ibaldi. Berious labor troubles liad tnins» pired at Wapping, London. Work en the wharves have ceasedin eonsequences. ThoußaDds of people did honoi* to the memory of Vietor Kmanuel, ir:)rching in proeission and depositing upon thc tomb of the dead sover»'ign a wreath, where the Friday a of Catholic pilgri ms had njade irisa)tuig demonstrations. The occasion gave an opportmitiy to a number of Xiadicalsj of denounci»g thc Vatican and n' ; 'iiting "down with the Priests!" Ari excitement was created at Tneste, bv tbe discovery of an attempt to blow up the Ēpiscopal paiaee with a petard or bomb. The 6fructure was saved by the timely diiscovery of īhe boml), and the ex- * . K'Uon of the burning fuse by the porter. A sensational article in the Pesicr- •• Lloyd declares that the Russian vlovernmerit is concentrating an enorinous body of troops on Ihe l>-inks of the Pruth, at whieh plaee «•*;arms of Ru<?sians are housed in e -paciotis huts erected temporarily for their accommodation, ~ Tn consequence of the severity cf ihe famine iu Poland, workiuen buve paraded the streets of cities a-:id towns -an# l.ont>cd bakeri('h :\nd other plaees were eatablas are obtainable. At Jewerike ihe troops (ired upon the rioters killing sotne and wounding many;