Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 301, 14 ʻOkakopa 1891 — From Abroad. [ARTICLE]
From Abroad.
Thp by ihp i !'..i i;- •: I,> !?hrrii»g. F'\nn Lon ion. o(hvT thii)Lrs wr lu»vc • / whieh lli.i; n yom>^ ;.t tnf tho (i:iicty 'l .-."i'!>-- Nd
|oommitt?d Tho att-empt to " | ?uppress. the coron«rs record, has ! given color to a sensational belief | that the young ladv had had inti- ! īiiata relations w-ith Pi'iiu e Alb'ert |V:otor. the eldest son of the Prince ,j oi Wales. Loiulon is stirred up to I <[uite a sensationa) pitch in regard ' this «\ffair. Those littlc unpleas- | eīit connecting the famiiy of j thn ho?r app«rcnt of England, does Vn.ot atl<i miii'h to the popularity of i horcditary monarchi-:s. The Tmu's gives the follo\ving from its Berlin correspondent, in; j reference to the Dardanelles, and the reply of the Powers to the, Porter 7 s Circular letter: : f *The-mis- i wer of the three above mentioned powers, (Austria, Germany and Italy) is to the effeet that they have ; taken note of the the Turkish Government. and none of them intends to take any diplomatic aetio» regarding it. The auswer of England to the note has } not yet heen setrf! m; but it is not expected it will be different froi»! that o? the other powers.' ? . ]