Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 300, 13 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
1. We deem| t]iat all Govemment should be fouhded on the prihciplt-y of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; \\e hold that all meii are bornfreean(iequal beforc thc law !and are endowed wit,h inalieuable rights to life, ti> libertv, to propertp, to the pur«uit of happiness und to rtelt-prot|ection aj?ainPt arbitrary eoneentratioii <|>f power, jrresponsible lieve that just exists only by the eonfsent ef the Pet>ple, and that., when it heeomei necegsary for the pul>~ lie welfar<\ the|y may abolish existing forms and €f=tal}lish more advantageous and pqintable sjbtemand, as the prescnt Constitution of the Hawoiian Kipgdom never has had the approval of the Peoolo. bnt wap establiMed bv intimi(lation and fra id lor the ix»nefit of a eertaiti t)ieref>re we favor the ador»tion of u new and roore iilx'ral ConBtitntion, to tru'y Becure a Governwient "/ the 1 'eople, hy ,the People and for the People.
INI)ĒPENI)ENCi: OF THE COUNTRY 2 <">\;t •^rn* ; o''> for the!nhere^t. rights and prewn{. opininns of the nawe to thc independenee of the C-ountry and defeud it>* ?utonoiny, iindt.r a liberal ar.d popuh» " 'i'ori¥s oC&ve|rn!iwi+ • « % nr Treati€» wiih l\>reljrn l'owers, and especlally whh the (Tnit|fcHl States of Amerio«, shonUJH*e revip*id, 80 ns to feett<*r m«et »»m-'ent. nee»»BFitjies and to obtain more eQn't>»bteadvar.s£gc? in c&rk*&geoftho66 ?rant«d by ns. JUDIOLIRY RKFORMB 3. Onr Judieiary aystem and Codeof nms f be «nhrnit*e<l tlwr» ou«h revifiion. soaß to secure a ehiim and prompt admini»tnktioQ of ju6tiee.fre* «0 or fv.t-uM!i ewii-. to rsnder the Judtfw more <iirecthi re«nonsible to tbe v reople; and \v« «niii mvor of a more liberal interpz«Utkm ol of llie freedom ol epeeeh and of tJie pr*ss TAXATIOX V mere j'.?st ;:nd i¥>rfwt s\>t«m of TaxatKm iuust l>e inaujfurato*l/ to alw lisV» i'*»' presriit by whieh to»> prop«.»rty ihe ]xx>r is «'xci*BiveVy tax<Ht, wuile of Uie r;eh inaivs ir>x'.s aro under-valu*Hl iV>r ' d« 1 iy ej*\t pt» iax»Uion; \\\v eU.itV deniaiid the of ūi\vs thut wili eaVvtually suh]*v.t the vty «»f n* &nd r*vH vititv> their pro}*>rtion of pnhlie iv.irdei:s t whi(ti i*y;mvinif i\K>re lrtwral
W*Bhali «!»**»« <&»«* toblißhmesat osN h&mās>4aasL, and tfcHiB expeet to obtain amplefo*idi? !or €OJMfciefcij3g tSe &wemimm*&aA ab~ teadiog 1» aH &ecessdiry wibllc kapwm'mtsits withoot any further calls oa masses: " 5. We sb»li uee our efforts to oMain iaws by whieh .41 favoritism in the government and all monopoliea, trosts and privilēgās to Hpeeial classeB $feall» be rendered impoBsible, by full, definite and maD(latory statutes. PUBUC SEEYAKTS. 6. Better laws shoald regulate the Civil Seryiee. The pnneiple of the eleetion of officers of the government by the people shou!d be estabUehed, -ahd no man shoald be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst saJaxies ' should be adaquate compensation for the sarvkes rendered. > All exeessive sa- - laries ahouid be red«ccd and all sineeures or superfluous.oißces abolished. PROTJKCTION TO HOME INDUSTRIES . 7. We are in favor of encouraging aiU home agriculture and 2ndostries, andall our native productß» like rice, eol£ee„ wool, tobacco, etc. shf/i4d be protected and fostered bv proper tariff regnlation; and also it roust be the duty «f the Govment, in its contracts and other operations, to give preference to nalioaal prodncts over imoorted ones. LOCAL SELF-GOVEENMENT 8. We deaire a more liberal policy towards the different Islands of tae Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion «f the puHie moneys for the development of their re- . sonrces aml the satisfactirn. of their In faet, tbe principle of k>cal Self-govemment shoald be exteqsed, whereby givinglocalities may choose the most important of their loeal executive oflicers, and levy taxes f©r the purpose loeal improvements of a public nature. PROTKCTION TOTHE LABOURESG CLASSBS 9. We sha!l endorse all measnres tending to improve the iconditk>n of the workingclaases, and consequently, with— out injuring any vested rights, we will advocate lawa 4o prevent all farther īm - jportation or employmeBt of contractiabor of acy kind, npon conditionH whieh will bring it into a ruin®ns and degrading rompetitlon with free Haw'aiian or wlīite labor. We shall also, in the iuterest of the heUei* protection of the poor, ask for more h beral exemption? of their property from forced sale»on ex- ' ecutiou, aiwl from seiaure in bankmptcv prooeedinae. . > "
i SMAIJj FARMTNG AKD HOME- | STĒADS. , i 10. The \vealtjby £rai;tion of our po|>ulaI tion have hitherto preveDted thedevelox>j ment of an iadependent.class 'of citixeQ6; [ the pubtic landF have been acquimi anil iiave been tied up m a few hands or pan"ellcd to suit favorites, small farn?er.M and planters have Wen driven or, CuuitHhutious «f cfip]taliste; bitt as £mall £armiiig ie eonducive to t.he Btability of the State, it. shoviid pe eucouraged by a tiew and more liberal Homestea<l act } by whicb the ownerghip of sraall tn»cts of land and the settlement thereo& of £amilies of our preBent population,—andegpecialof tlie native H&waiiaos who bavo been left ahnost homeless in there eonn— t.ry.-fhould fie rendered; posb,hle. To that end, the Goveruraent Q' OWn ]anda, ( in so far as ean be done wlthout i»vadmg ve?ted rights ) should bedevoted as yoon aa ]>ossibie to homestBa<te and conferred ui>on bona-fide set«ers frv"e af ior u «āniieil periodIt should botbo tnriher aiai of government to, nt w far imprcve the nuuniAoi transj.K>rtr tion,—ioeal, naiion- ?»! si\d internstīonßl.—«<? to previde % in t «11 the dist nelw, cht»ap xneans of <»onvey- | mg t!ie prothict of thē &>il to market. | KLKOTORAL kIGHT
11. Wo )v"»M l>»ht «prightiaid honest manhood, and not the possessbn of weaith, arbitr&ri]y fix©d, shoaidcoPBUtherighttaYote !or oohlee as wdl «s «uad ao msae pow aho\ild be accwdod w>the banotofth* noh ia%n th»n to tkt hallot «I the pooriD««. 13HMiismmfc*«™ is» fa*or pf weaUhaow nu4e fe\ o«f C7mtMißA w contrai7 ail th« o*una) prmrlphn[ «MMixeiust hn»hrtfi> ed. ro thiB «nd f )«ral* mg of the preseat dfatittc«on of mOOk a«d ctefige3 wnieh hlenieh <mr hnn withrespectofthe fMkttovotolor W«8, «isreby rrat(NSis to th« mth% Hawaiia»a r>nvi}e|?eB peHala l» thoia m th«ir ow r a «ooatrv % w>d ol whsch th<»y have been «m)U9tlr oepm%d.