Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 300, 13 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That a new Port Survftyor is open to an a<lept ia the busincss.
That Chaley. (he who holds t'ne joker, and not thc'proraissory man) is ]ikeiy to bent thc four knaves iti tlie next appointaient of thiefcatch* cp s»>i*£gjer, beeause the formor is a royal flash besides being a joker. — That a pair cf tiew speeies of Ihe animal kingdpm has madc it-s appeHrance ui tDo pohiieai arena. called iin lrioh t-«;rrior ~ud a red-rat, l>oth of whoiu aro indejīondent Hoine by thc holy shniuko ! The inore the uierrier 1
That in the eas>e tbo quartette of 6fficiivls uie )iv>4»-t>i they wiii then be clasped io joukoy parljinoe uovvht»ro, as \vas the cas« when befV»rothe \vas inado, Capt. Kelley, tho \r,vnor of the ftiDH>us raco lo,bot,said,hc j wouM the j ns:.otl by who Wt lnn\vily ! ssxninst h?tn,gjuU as the>«Hmals wori» I īCeiij>sa »ir?r- «jv»d th«3 rost j iU)\vli.*ro. Ileie, it>viU Charley ; Bt;>V, ;tnd a:id his coli««»*ui-$« nofrhcroj>. v 'i
1 Thai tlzere maa afeaut iown who saj«, he sfaoold haw been whereMahope, is bat as ike latter ailo¥?s this yoong man to run him, hels satisfiid to wait. Paiienee is a characteri3tic vLrtue oi great men. I That a meeting of the Execqtive Oommiiee of the Meub£aics, Union will be held $ext Wednesday evening at their hall, S. W. corner of ; Nuuanu and Kmg Btreets, over the , great I. X. L. |Store. The meeting | of that hoāy wil! aleo take plaee the evening after. I
That there| is a new polilieal party in embryo and soon will, be hatched. to be, named the Young Home Rulers, Thev will be qrate an independerit lot, consisting of Tom, Dick, .John snd Henry, with the list open for Jack and Gill and a few more of !the right stripe.
That one of ithe opium smugglers who had been !on*the onter heights, eame in from picket daty to report himself; the p|)or feilow was covered wiih read dust, having evidently been burrowed like an Australian ral>bit during his absence from town. !
Tfaat while the gallant owner of the vacht, started out froui town fteading Nortl|east for Waimanalo, some one seem to think it was only intended dr a | "Anke," to mislead the decteetive9? who perhaps are well remeuibered to be misiead.