Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 300, 13 October 1891 — A Representative for Waimea. [ARTICLE]

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A Representative for Waimea.

[ We hoar from Waimea. KauaL r that Mr. D. M. Orowley, has been well received by the people of that district. This fact is encouragifig } as showing that the native Hawaiians are ready to stand by his foreigji friends. We also understand that at a mēeting of the Hui Kalaiaina at that plaee, Mr. C. was ealled upon to enlighten the masses on the political issues of the day. Having the "declaration of pnheiples" of the Hui Kalaiaina, the gentleman» expounded and explained the wholeoithe articles contained therein, when the audience thanked him unanimously } and pressed him to stayd as their candidate jbr representative for the coming eleej tiou. We beleive that Mr. C#>wley j will probably stand in the interest i of the people, in whieh case, he will be opposed to a young lawyer of this city who is related to several of the highest officials of the kingdom, and who will be 111 the of the cl&sses.