Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 300, 13 ʻOkakopa 1891 — How to Understand God's Will. [ARTICLE]
How to Understand God's Will.
Through the kinclness of the Rev. A. \Villis, of the Anglicaii Cburch «r the city we wiii be enabled to ; ' v - our readers,from A Bermon give» his congregation l«ast Sunday, a t valuable exposition of God\s i v ; \ frotn, the Wcrd of God itself, >v -thout any need of the original < ; ek or liebrew. j rhe translations and revisions! ifjude, under authority and patro-j Bōge of loverB of the tmth, of. the | Bi ble frum the origi nal MBS. are ] a'nple and sufficient for the meek : and humble minded. who study it tor the knowledge of the Bftlvation %i ]>os l sesses to those who believe. j Those who wish to air their know- j 3edge of Greek and Hebrew ntay do ai>d vaunt thetr good fortune in poPBegsitig that kuowledge over iiH-n not as fortunate,but they Bhould that too him to whom a<iß*h is given mueh is expocted, that a strict accottntability will bo beld b?Jthe giver of Vhose gifu at | future day, ab<i a perversion t)f! ī''■■■■ use shpuld be>r i:ftdiy guardi:d j a;;aii)st. We are ali i ho niorel>leas- j •' i to publish. Bishop Wiilis' views! they r.refsoriptisral. and in '
accord with the Sev6nth-day A®venti6t's belief, for whieh •reason tbe iatter'keeps the Seventh-day as uaehangeable as the law of God is immutable.