Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 298, 9 ʻOkakopa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PRINCIPLE OF GOVEENMEKT AND r constitution. 1. We deem that all Government ehould bB~foanded on the principl«B of Liberty, Equality and Fraternifcy; we hold that all meipi are born free and eqiial before the law and are endowed with! malienahle rightB to life, to liberty, to propertp, to pnrsuit of happiness i and to 9elf-protection against arbitrarv ! eoi»eentration of power, irresponeibie f wealtli, and unfair eompetition. We be- ; lieve* tliat jiiBt government existg only by the consent of the People. and that, ; when it oeeomen necessary for thc publi<* welfare, thev- may aī«>lish esisting forms and establish more advantageoiiB and equitable fcvstem; and, as the present Constitution of the Hawaiian Kmg- : dom never has h&el the approval of the People, but was establiBded by intimidation and fraud for the benefit oī a j eertain ela6s, tnerefore we favor the i adoption of a new and more liberal Constitution, to truiy seeore a Government | o/ the People, % the People and for the People. I I]S DEPENDENC£ OF THK COUNTRY 2. Outof eoiislderation f6rtheinherent rights and presbnt opini6ne of the native popnlation, j we dersire to retain the independeneo of the Country and defend its autonomy, under a liberal and popu> lar iorm o^government; butonr Treaues with Koieuna Fowere, and especially with the United States of America, should be TQvmā % soas io tetter xneet pr*?ent neoessitife acd to obtain <nore eqoitableailvanuges in exchangeofthoee graßted by op. , JODICIARY HEFOR|IB . 3. Our Frocodure mti«t be enhimUtd4da thoroueh revwkMi. to seet»o *&mx> aaduwßnt «4tmiditiatiQa^ ot«*peech and «I the press _4. Amole jostand perfeet sysfcem ol Tw»tion muet bo in&\igurated. to«ho* Jish the preseiit inequalities, by whieh the pr«pertv of the poor is exce«biveiv laxed, while mueh of tl\e rieh BaQ's goods are under»%-}ilued for aBs***ment or entirelv ©eeape taxation; we Khall therefore iUwnakd ttx» paa«ge of laws that will more ot!H'tuallv «>ubjei k t th« property of corporati-, na and rVh oiti*enMo t.. -.ir just proiK>rtion of nuhlie I burvler.s, whde sj«intmg more liWal
exemptjoßB to the poor; and «8 oi diecouragmg Uie iockii*g ap ofls*ge . t?acts of onculfciv»ted landß, » dlßhreßtial tax ehoaki be levied In a&U&oa - to the Q3aal a»sesameni envaluatl<»i whieii should be in proportion t6 the fertility of the eoiL We ehall also I&vcn: the eetaldjshraent of a gradnated' i3acoiae-tax, and thus expect to ebiain ample fuade for condttcting the govemment and at> tending te all neoesearv pablk improvements without any furthe* calls ob & MONOPOLIEB 5. We ehall use our efforts to obtam lawe by whieh »11 favoritism in the go#ernment and all monopoiiea, truBts and ' privileges to special dassee ehall be rendered impQH«ible t by foll r definite and maijdator> tf statutes. t PTTBLIC SERVANTB. 6. Better lawe ehould. regulate the Civil Service. The prineiple of the eleetion of oflicers ot the government by the peaople should be established, and no man shoul& be allowed to hold mone than one o£Rce of profit s whiM salarie£ should be adaqoate compenaation for thesarvices rendered. * All excesgive salaries should be reduced and all eineeu *ee or superfluous offices abolished. PROTECTION TO HOME ĪN- , DUSTRIES 7. We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and mdustries, andaii our native products, like rice, coffee, wool. tobacco, etc. should be protected and iostered by proper tariff regulation; and also .it ni ust be the duty of the (jovment, in its qontracts and other operations, to gi ve J preferehce to national products over imported ones. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT 8. We desire a r«ore liberal policv towards |he different Islands of tne Kingdora, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development o£ their reso«rces aud the satisfactirn of tlieir wants. īn fact, tbe principle of loea» Self-government ehoukl be extended, whereby giving localities may ehooee the most īmj>ortant of t.heir loeāl executive offioers, and levy taxes for the purpose loeal improyements of a puhlie nature. PROTEOTION TOTHE LABOURINU CLASSES 9. We ehiill endorse all measureE tending to improve the condition oi* tho working dasses # and eonsequently, without injuring any veeted rights, we willadvocate laws to preve»t all farther uaportaftion or employment of contractlabor of any. kinji, upon conditlo&s whieh will bring4t into a rum©«B aōd contpetition with free ian ©r white labor. We shaU also, in the interest ol the better prot«ition of the poor, ask for more libsr£l exej»ptions of their property from fort-ed sale on exeeuiion, aud frora seizure in bankroptcy proceedin?s. SMALL FARMIKG AND HQME- • . BTEADS. 10. The wealthy fraction of onr popiifction have hitbefto prevent©d the det«lcmment of an independent class of CitiwttB; the pubiic lands have been acqoired anel have been tied up in a fc\v lian4s or parcelled to suit favorites, »nd emall farmers and planters have been dri\-en out by corporations or combinations «f capitālists; but as small farming is con~ dudve to the etal»lity of the St«te, ife should pe encouraged by a new and more liberal Ilomestead act, by whk-h theownership of ,small tracts of lanA and the settlement thereon of iamilie? population»—and especial~ tyof the iiative Hawaiians who have been lelt almost homeless in there eoun-trv..-shoukl be rendewd poe3*ble. T 0 thatend, the Government and C»own lands, (in so far as ean be done withoui mvading veetedrights ) sbould bede\oted as soon ae po6siblo_Jfco. JhomesteadB. and conferred upqp bona-fide eettlerē= fneo of taxe» for a limited period. It should be the further aip» of govera-, ment to, &t onee, j?o far improve the of transportt tion', —loeal, aation«l and inMrn*ti<)n«a,—«a to provide, iii «11 th» dtatncte, che*p m««ne of «oo\wmg the product of tbe aoil to * KLSGTORAL RIGHT. . 11. bokl tlUl uprighta&d hoawk xsHkuhood, aod noi the poaeeaikm of PllliPs iuk ol thepnsw«t «at»ct)oßof <****> our \*m> Uke.'&M* theyhavebeen d«priv«il. INTfiRNAL HfHM>V£MSKTS 12 We favw the «penditiu«o(Bßfr ewii saros to 6Kv« a numbēr of »eeifed r»«Wio irapro\eui<*ntf ouO«ha ami oth*r lst«nde: Bilwol, railroads eunl h*rbors and whar\w b puUio light. and also a tl»orouj?h of rectMrvoiv« and uot f>rHooolul«, bwt ♦ through«<w*t the other