Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 298, 9 October 1891 — Correspondence. [ARTICLE]

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| Edito»b Ka Leo :—ln yoor isg'ue | of Sept. 29, yoa have partialiy, «nd I beheve, unintentionally mieapprehended our belief withi regard to the Jewe and tbe House of lsrael. from only having heard me state a part of our bolief upon this eubject. Therefore I aek spaee in your columns to eorrect your statements that this niisapprehenßion may be corrected with vonr rcaders, That we believe that Jcseph Smitji was a pi-ophel, a»d we are prepaj3ed to prove it. He also taught tho literal gathering of a part of ohe Tsraelites to the Holy Land, and that a part would be gathered upon the American eontinent. And also that Jerusalem would be rebuilt, and that the Holy Land would yet bring forth in abundance. And from present prospectswe have no reanon to change our belief in him or in hia prophecies, as he only corroborates the Bible propheta, whieh your epaee will not pormit me to quote, so I will oontent myself with a few quotations from reliuhle newapapcrs, whieh fully atteBt our belief. k l£sthleham has been rehuilt aad the are Hghted with gaa. Cesarea i? havingt a buik2it)g boom. Naaareth ia beooming the hoad qunrtcre ©f big olive 01l Corner Jot« i9 Jop|» «r* go»g op with a rush and eetin Mount Corm«l is īa?gely held by «l»culatorB for an advance. The Hleepy mhahitftuk3 of Ramot)i Gilead ihink of b«ilding a glue fartorv. Jmisalem ia *waking up also. Kven in they valley of (?e--henna the prico of land hag gone up.—K. Y Tribunc.

" ItVprovt?monts in ralestine. Thc irv*ns *iv growii>g, impom in-

ttreasxng and trade passing frou> the hands of EuropeanB into those of native dealers, Beyreut has increased from a squalid post 6f 15,'OOOL or 20,000 inhabitants, to a thriving city of 80,000, It has a handsome Ēuropean quarter well paved and lighted and elean; it ls provided with water. works built by an English company, has a j»ubli<\ carriage service and a large paper mill. : Jaffa is equally fiourishing and the value of land m the vicinity has increased from i! ten to fifleen fold; The country, about has been converied i nto a | vast orange ©rchard. In • ihe ln- . tßrior the ;peasantry are gomginto ; Stōuk raisii)pf, an indpstry that wai3 ; hardly knowh' a few y6ras ago, and ! the production of o']i've oil has been | greatly develop©d. JerusaLem itself ! shares m thi§ progress. — London Spectator. | Another correspondent says their areirom 40 tb 50,000 Jews in Jerusalem : ,the present condition of the : Hoiv Land and Israel fully susi tains our belief and the teachings | and prophecies of all the holy pro; j phets Joseph Smith included. I Very respectfuliy yours, | Elder A. Haw?, i of the Reorganized Chureh of .Jesus Chrif?t. Honolulu, Oct, 0, 1891.