Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 297, 8 October 1891 — The Hawaiian Jurors. [ARTICLE]
The Hawaiian Jurors.
——— V-.it thc articlo in Hawaiian, upon whieh we were .Jibelled. having by its own terms shown tfiat there uo maliee in the publication of ; article, and that tbe term luna knhiko, (old post master) could not h£ any stretoh of iraagination be ifiiide to mean Postmaster General, undoubtedly led to a verdict of aequitted by the Jury. This v r ' h. t was not only in ; accordance v *si tbe testimony, but in accord; v the very fair charge made by; ti. :iief Justice Judd, whieh closed with, if you have any reasonable doubts in your minds as to any maliee, <fec., you should f*ive the v ben<sfit of the d'oubt in favor of the aCCt: st'd. In ihe chefa appeal cases, no aopeal to one's nationality, as is hintcd rr in our English dailies, is of r avail. The Hawaiian Jury, iiave shown their sense of impartiality by condemning the pemicious practice of their own countrymen, who have been taught this new concomitant to Hawaiian civi- 1 lization by the indulgence given | towards the originators ofthe game, the Chine«e, noae of whom have - ever been arrested for it.