Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 295, 6 ʻOkakopa 1891 — THE FLUKE DISEASE. [ARTICLE]
Report of Medical Expert to THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 2, 1891 To the President and Members of the Board of Health. Gentlemen : — Your committee delegated to make an investigation in reference to the "Fluke Disease" beg leave to present the following report :
1st. That the meat from diseased animals (those suffering from the Fluke) is not poisonous, but is of an inferior quality, especially in the secondary stages of the disease. 2d. That in the primary stage of the disease it may be marketable. 3d. That in the secondary stages of the disease (when the Flukes have become so numerous as to deteriorate the quality and the quantity of the blood) the meat is unmarketable. Your committee beg leave to suggest the following for the consideration of the Board. 1st. The compulsory examination of all butcher animals, before being killed and after having been dressed. 2d. That there should be a public slaughter house. 3d. That there should be conferred upon a qualified Veterinary Surgeon the supervision of the slaughter house. 4th. The sale of a poor quality, but not unhealthy meat, apart from prime sorts. 5th. The stockowners should be informed of the symptoms of the "Fluke Disease" and the most suggestive mode of prevention. Respectfully submitted, A. R. Rowat, F. L. Miner, M. D. Henri G. McGrew, M. D. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1891. To the Hawaiian Board of Health, Honolulu. GENTLEMEN: - My opinion concerning the diseased cattle examined on Friday, Oct. 2nd, is the following:
The cattle are affected with liver flukes (distoma hepaticum), a parasite very common in ruminants, but only exceptionally met with in men. Communication of the disease by means of the meat or even of the liver is quite impossible according to the evolution of the parasite upon which I forhear to enter here as being too long. The general practice in other countries is to condemn the liver but not the meat of the affected cattle. I remain, gentlemen, yours respectfully, Dr. Lutz. The Board of Health had ascertained that the diseased animals come from a limited territory on the Island of Oahu, that the cattle from Maui, Hawaii, Kauai and parts of Oahu are perfectly sound, that the physicians who have made the examinations state that human life is not endangered by eating "fluked liver" meat. D. Dayton, President Board Health. Attest: Charles Wilcox Secretary.