Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 293, 2 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That a eharp look out is being kept for the arrival of that famoiis opium owner is here; that it is said the ovrirer. is in leag~uo with a Gjeek, named Co!ocotronis; and that the two gentlemen have been'endoavoring to forni an opiuna trnst, and have managed to secure the cooperation of the old and new firms of opium demons.

Tfaat u K4ng" ißhigh with Char!ie, notwithstfinding a sober stn»ight heats the former,anda \vetfliish lays him out.

That the Qneen'& former hostler is acting and verv often thinks he's chamberlaia and apes the style of the late Oovernor. Who ean tell but he may be governor yet. That if the *'goril]& poliey" of Ka Leo i\s followed by the Elele it will in ali probabilty, reeeive puhlie snpport and approval; but if it should follow the beaver or kajigaroo gnit of the Bulletin, the Elele may jcsf as well t»e ci6sed, for there is not enough gyvernu)ent patronage to support two hopiUmeaai'* from the ministeial mammal.

'hial Ka Leo subcrihers have been robbed of tbeir nowspaporg, not by Barefooted BilJ, but, we pre-; sume v by ragged a —\ Willian, who is too mean to » oopy and read it like a man. This 6heap John appffefii&tion of our paper, stnacks of an attempt to put us into bankruptcy with 4 rreform" kindness, That a ecrtam government npieul has a very soft thtng, That his t\vo huisi\c?s establ:shments derive tnoro bencfit from his position thau the puhlie over will. That the $i>,ooo per annum paid him is money thrown a\fav»