Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 292, 1 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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- That psople who catch opium smugglers ar«dsmuggled opium had better look out; or they will bo arrested for being too offieious. There are two wavs to look at this riiatter, andit is well for the uuinitiated t6 studv it in all its phases,otherwise th<3 innocent smug- : gler tnay get a suit for libel and damages cn the ōne that catches him.

That there are nearly as uiany lunas employed on Mount Tantalus Road as there arc nion.

Tbat it woukl be for better for the comnnuuty, if the Ministcrof Interior wouiil put down ?nore artesan wells then to be spending monev for a road that is not actually needed j u&t now. That a Melboiirne is requireil to bring on a do\vn pour of rain, other wi?o t'ne p«-ople should be oon-»pell-ed by a 3ioard of Healtli ordin ar.ee to tako to for purifieation. ——— That. llon. T. LucavS and Mr. Bowler are montioned &s independent candiilates for Jcgislative honors. Ila ! Ha !! —— That there is not h whisner about nominating the se!f-constituted lcaders cf the Xatkmal Pariv, wiio slipped in acoidenlaUy lo a eeat in tho cahinet.