Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 292, 1 ʻOkakopa 1891 — That "Declaration." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

That "Declaration."

We are pieased to know that the ' ; d('claratioii of pnneiplea, 1 ' prepared in a ■ has betsn 4 'swallowcd whole by the Hui Kalaiama;" _and its prmciples 'elai'i od as l iiaving bee:i borrowed ir?m t.he ]>nHetin." That organ, Ts]idertakes to disparage the document, and cla ; ms tha: by 'its adop* 1 ion no party will gain strength tliereby. The unanimouS -of the ••declaration of principles, ,? by the Hui Kalaiaina, the most tho.rough and universal political organization of the country, without ]iberai;e eouneil'- has slu\ttered the ne.rves of that po!itical straddler the Bu!!ethi. It feels as though its occupatioit'was gone, and is in <:onseqijence in a state of deimiialization, verging on insanitr. We pitv the !ittle editor, as he stnves to gnide the slieet througlx fhe whims ar.d idiosy ncracies of its i'tockholders, who are most!v ofi:cials, •