Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 292, 30 Kepakemapa 1891 — Suit By Chinese Laborers. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Suit By Chinese Laborers.

/, As tbe exponent ofxight and tiie defender of the poor~iiTan's interest. we feel some eatisfaction in announcing, that the poor delnded Chinese, who were led tooontract in China, and arrived here a month or two ago by the PactoloßhaTe had their eyes opened to the inconsis* tency of their agreement in China with their treatment here. The iComplaint alleged against Aseu, is the same that caused trouble īn Ko--1 hala, where the Pactolus slaves tried i tolay violent hands upon the A.B.C. |F.. M's Church protege, the Christian Aseu. Our satisfactionlies in the unearthing of the diabolieal system practiced by the imraigrant agents of the Sugar-Barons r and . the part taken by a weak and im-

becile government, representifig the Hawaiian People. We have *lways claimed that the whole system is rotten, aud that the four men, that participates &,nd allowe such a practice to be committed isJlkely to hrir>g this teapot of a government into a typhoon of a tempest that will canse the wreck of sovereign and people. 0f course the Queen, having cliosen such men as her advisers cannot feel very pleasant *at such oceurences, for who knows the day when Mr. Li Hung Chung may be pleased to send-*a fleet of Chinese war vessels heie to naake a#ettlemenfe6f slavish treatnjent as y her people has been subjeQted to. But the people hexe arejiot pleaBed, nor are they in any way a pārjtv to sucH vile underhanded wofk. I'hek representatives, did all they eouhl to help the country in its labor difficulties, but the uncrupulous sugarplanters and the capitalist, assisted by a pair of sycophaiftic administrations,!members of whom obtained legislative honors, by pretending to be frienda of the people, have gone to work, and 5 with its usual tried to obtam eheap labor by trying to deceive those whom they have engaged. " The old saving that the way of the transgressor is hard. is being fairly illustrated in the difficulties that surroundt this government, who has to shoulder all the responsibility. While the planter and capitalist are smiling under their sleeves and. are even hoping to see the country involved in trouble, and iu that way obtaia a change of government better suited to their aristocratic tastes. Yet, neiUier the Exscutive, nor the Premier, ean see wherein they are 3a£Ferere, or how they are looked dow& upoa with eontempt>, by Ukm» whom they we flattered W believe are thtiir friends. For the good of the country t we A are glad that the poimlaee, «re showing evidenoes of their leeiing towards the party that is trailing the good character and omlit- «*f the Hawaiian Governmsnt and People in the mud, That the Pactol«s oooUe slaves h€ve revolted a&U have eatemd a auit afaioet Aseo. V«y oaimā th*t. they»houW.