Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 292, 30 Kepakemapa 1891 — Meeting of the Hui Kalalaina. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Meeting of the Hui Kalalaina.

A' .? ho eall of the Executive Oom- j ! mittee, a meeting was held by the Hui Kalaiaina, last, Monday evenin«i consider the adoption of a de( ;aration of principles as their platlonn. These principlui? are, tweive in mimber, and embrace with a few additions nearly thej samc that adopted by botb īhe j IT' :ind Mechanics' Union for ihe! eī v. mi; cainpaign of 1889-90. Thej de.-. .; iiioii with one slight but very important amenc|ment, was paßsed by sections,and unanimously ad:-pted ag a whole. The detern;ine<l and unitcd spirit of thc lla!i vote I*B to adopt ibr their platform, for the coming campaign, tho r>«ost liberal and progressive ideas of governmcnt, is ene of the most hopeful signs of the times, and is a sure indication of another vietory for the peoplē's ticket throughout the group. Before the adoption of eaeh of the articles of the "declaration," the leaders of the people, representiog Hawaii, Maui and Oahu, who were familiar with the document and knew their countiymen , s X>olitieal sentimen£s, exj&ained eaeh article.as read. ')uite a number of foreign friends ef'the natives were at the meeting. Theso were mcstly working men, >vhose sympathies are with the Hawaiian. The meeting was largely attended, and orderly. There . not less than three hundred })-.'(;plu present. ; : ■