Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 291, 29 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the expatriated young Ha* waiian, who is the victim of evil machinations, did not go to Samoa by the last steamer. The warlike attitu4p of the natives there has! paralized business and rendered it a good piaee to stay awav from just now. That all the rising ge -ation of young Hawaiians are inaignantat the big Prcmier for the attitude he assumes towards them — he, whom they thought would be their leader and friend iis a deceitful fraud, That gray haired old orank has led you all astray, Sam: Aeh du lieber, Himmel. That Justice Cedōrkranz administration of the goTernment of Samoa has been a dismal failure, and that unhappy little kingdom will 8«» be annexed to Germaisy, Thafc W. R. Cast3e has created a ! refreshing ct through Kona to HUo," and jirē opplaud the sentiment that (t pehape the legislature will intervine and make it e*pensive and uncomfortable to loek uo b% lands whieh onght to betbrown open to improvement and habiUtaon. Butbeware, sweet William, your pluto«r%tic frtends ofthereiwm party j wiU e&cammunic&te you, fbr you ar« now preaching the doQtrioe of Uie N«tioiuak

That the year 3891 the deportaiion io the poliiieal bone yard of many wrecks, frauds and failures.that wiil never be rosurrected. The only symbois by whieh they will ever lgam 'oe ' known by are J. A. C.—G, B.—»F. W.—H. A. W. —E.C.M.— T. K. - L. —C. J._M. —AU thfeir former pride and glory are depārted from them forever. 1892 will c«rry out four more that we know ofto th« same boneyard. If the man with the monkey theory is correct, these defunct atoms may take an inverse evolution and reappear in some future generation in a monkey menagerle. That it is an undignified and childish performance for a cabinet minister to use the powef obtained under a royal commission to wreek personal spites against young_men_ in the civil service;: The last Finance Ministers have been outrageous!y guilty of such misconduct, in attemptīng to ruin innoēent families. '■ That one of the four victims of dischstrged frdm the Oeneml^Poa^ ! Cffice bas been reinstated tohis for* mer post. This is a good beginning Walter, but how about the other three whose numerous friends pinned their faith on you. That the night guards of the customs service ean outsleep the poliee. The man whom Billy A. jerked out of his slumil>er the other night d<>es notliing but hiamoe on his watch, and thc other guard,g are all notorious snorerg: The customs guard service under the present Burveyor is a useless force and needs a compiete overhauling. The sleeping and snoring customs officers of Honolulu are a standing joke among steam boat men and merchant|men. ——— That the irrepressible Don Celco-Ccesar Moreno never has been the rcpresentative of the National Party in Washington, and that it would be better for Hawaii that she be allowed to exercise her friendly relations there through native Hawaiians only. v . That the U. S. Pensacola has arrived and that onr girls are eonsequently happy, for the ship bas eome to protect them of oours&—> u do**t you know?? ,> Thiit aooording to the u one dig a day" against Ka Leo is v( BQore than our importanee serves," a»d yet, in the same eolumn, the Queen Street crazy rag immediately contradictB itself bj giving Ka Lri> a second u dig. n 0 i consistency how vou are kicktd ai I by tbe "orb." | —-— ! £ia ke hoolula mai nei ma ke I awa la'i o * Koa d% he eloa aeko, ela na moku%aoa Peoeeekola a uie [Maiiana.